Let me use this opportunity to catch up on my reviews:
30 Days of Night
I had high hopes for this one. It's an adaption of a graphic novel of the same name. I thought they did a great job of translating the claustrophobic and panic inducing fear that the comic had. the movie had a few flaws, but they were minor. Josh Hartnett as the stoic sheriff was a bit wooden at times. The nasty vampires were...well nasty. There are some genuine scary moments and they kept the stomach churning gore so popular these days to a minimum.
I give this movie: 3 antlers (out of 4)
Meet the Spartans
This is another case of all the funny bits being in the trailer. Don't waste your time. I wished I had waited for it to be available on Netflix.
I give this movie: 1 1/2 antlers (out of 4)
See you at the Multiplex
Emoose out
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