Tuesday, May 6, 2008
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Blog Archive
- The Boy Scouts' Free-Speech Fight
- British exorcist warns that atheism brings Satan i...
- Pet Peeve 9,821
- I'm still not convinced,but I still want to believe
- Vatican Says They Will Excommunicate Women Priests
- Japanese woman caught living in man's closet
- Incredible pictures of one of Earth's last unconta...
- Gas Prices Force Americans to Reevaluate Church
- $8-a-gallon gas Commentary: Eight reasons higher p...
- Alien Video To Be Revealed To Media Tomorrow, Man ...
- What if they wouldn't sell cars to Jews,Uppity Bla...
- Lindbergh's deranged quest for immortality
- Dunkin Donuts Pulls Rachael Ray Ad Because She Loo...
- Religion is a product of evolution, software suggests
- Does this Scare you as much as it Scares Me?
- Students Fail — and Professor Loses Job
- 8 Medical Terms Your Doctor Uses to Insult You
- No title
- Another Honor Killing
- Time Travel doesn't need a Time Machine Says Scien...
- Phoenix probe lands successfully near Mars’ north ...
- More Hotel Blues
- McDonalds and Apple using Magic(k) to get customers?
- Cat turns into woman in P/Harcourt - 5 killed as c...
- I should of known, it's so obvious!
- Six 'uniquely' human traits now found in animals
- Five Things Humans No Longer Need
- McCain kicks Hagee to curb
- more cat pictures
- Scientists discover "frogamander" fossil
- No title
- Cell Phones Have Fueled a Frenzy of "Honor" Killin...
- Creationism Creeps into U.S. Classrooms Despite Fe...
- Top court urged to strike down law that forced blo...
- The Saudi woman who wants a divorce - because her ...
- Witches' burnt to death in Kenya
- John Hagee Said Hitler Was Fulfilling God's Will (...
- 'We must never let a child die
- One more reason I'm not a believer
- Family Refuses to Take Home 18-Year-Old Rape Victim
- The 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World
- Flouride Dangerous?
- The Amount of food an American Family throws away ...
- Ben Stein insists, ‘Science leads you to killing p...
- Pope says it's a Catholic's duty to convert others.
- Using Cell While Pregnant Contibutes to Kids Menta...
- From the Why I'm An Agnostic File
- Space Aliens have been visiting The U.K. for years
- Why do ghosts wear clothes?
- I have one of these in my back yard. Cool Huh!
- Agnostic Gospel?Gospel without faith.
- Mystery Solved:All of the World's Problems Caused ...
- Stuff God Hates
- Texas Invaded by Crazed Mutant Ants
- Indian village proud after double "honor killing"
- Muslim TV Channel Begs Allah to Kill Rushdie...
- Should a rape victim who takes the morning-after p...
- Rocketman flies over Alps with jet-pack strapped t...
- How did Noah's Ark Float
- Christians find Fault with Starbucks Logo
- Gay Marraige Legal in California
- Fish Deevolving in Washington State?
- Vatican: It's OK to Believe in Aliens
- Farmer missing sheep, puts up electric fence. Find...
- Now this is a big cow!
- Jordan charges man in honor killing of sister
- 'Death was the least that she deserved'
- "Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop the Attack on I...
- Creepy honour for musician Young
- Did you know that God has a website?
- Nano Worms Find and Kill Cancer
- This isn't true,is it?
- Scary Toilet Tech
- Why does this picture disturb me?
- New procedure sucks Appendix out of stomach throug...
- Malaysian woman can leave Islam
- 8 Reasons Why This Is The Dumbest Generation
- Does Jesus Juice come in Diet?
- Kids, mom lived with 90-year-old's corpse for week...
- You'd think that 17 kids would be enough
- I know you didn't ask but:
- Talk about playing God, doctors delay puberty so k...
- As you well know, I hate vanity plates. Exhibit A
- Bigfoot and Jesus,seperated at birth?
- $10 gas a silver lining?
- Teen facing 'hate crime' count over spat
- Does this seem like it would be tasty?
- The Idiocy of Banning Books
- Screwed: World’s Most Evil Worm Invades Yemen
- Paging Doctor Robot,Paging Doctor Robot
- No title
- Man pushes creation of panel to prepare city for s...
- 'Sex pest' seal attacks penguin
- Babies' bodies in German freezer
- Five signs that pot might become legal soon -- and...
- Udercover Atheist goes to Church
- A worse problem than peak oil?
- Moving on up
- Charter school will focus on homeland security
- What does Iran have against Barbie?
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