A very little of Oprah goes a long way. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for the woman. It's just after about ten minutes of her show I start to feel fidgetty and somewhat depressed. As you probably know St. Oprah has a book club. You would think that the Mooseman's taste would run about 180 degrees to that of Ms. Oprah inc. wouldn't you? Well guess what? I am half way through my second Oprah book club offering. It's by Wally Lamb and it's called "She's Come Undone". It's pretty darn good read. A little depressing, but engrossing.
But I have to ask myself, has the ever lovely Mrs. Emooseman been sneaking estrogen in to my generic Cheerios when I'm not looking? HMMMMM? Or as I am aging (not very gracefully I'm afraid) are my tastes changing? Are my horizons broadening?(no pun intended I swear to god) In a day or so I might even give my take on it.
Emoose out
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