Thursday, March 6, 2008

Who is the worst televangelist

O f course we all remember the Moosey Awards for the most obnoxious and hateful websites right? Well I'm thinking about a new Award for the most obnoxious televangelist. After all the passing of Jerry Falwell has left a huge void in the world of pushy televangelists. Those are some mighty big shoes to fill. We need somebody to tell us how sinful we are and that we being beset by hurricanes and floods because we tolerate same sex marriage. Who will be our moral compass in these end times? Now if you want to nominate a candidate just put in the comments. In the mean time here are my nominations:

John Hagee: The hypocrite's hypocrite.

Robert Shuller: Nature's answer to Sominex

Jimmy Swaggart: Almost too pathetic too pick on

Jan Crouch: Can science identify her hair color?

Benny Hinn: Master of the comb over

Oral Roberts: God why didn't you call him home?

Categories to consider:

Hair style
Best prayer premiums
Most outrageous statement
Bonus points for speaking in tongues
General obnoxiousness
Ostentatiousness and general bad taste in clothing and or pets

I also need a name for the award. Maybe the golden butt plug?

Emoose out

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