Sunday, April 20, 2008
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- 23 "the book was better" movies
- NYT: Hagee is as Bad as Wright, McCain Overdue to ...
- An Iranian's vision of Jesus' life stirs debate
- Teen Plots to Kill Jesus
- Roving Defender of Evolution, and of Room for God
- Half man, half chimp - should we beware the apeman...
- Couple loses child custody over Mike's Hard Lemonade
- April 29, 1964: Godzilla, Mothra Clash for First Time
- Wis. parents who prayed as diabetic daughter died ...
- Religion a figment of human imagination
- Was woman raped on telephone?
- Man 'kept daughter in dungeon for 24 years'
- Human Soul for sale on Ebay, get 'em while they're...
- Guarantee you place in Heaven!
- Consumer Ethanol Appliance Promised By Year's End
- H.R.5843 Act to Remove Federal Penalties Marijuana...
- Sect Children Face Another World, but Still No TV
- Soldier Sues Army, Saying His Atheism Led to Threats
- Is Circumcision A Barbaric Religious Practice Push...
- Bacteria produces Biofuel from salty water
- Women sexually assulted by ghost?
- How Presidential Candidates Would Handle a Zombie ...
- Mutant Black Squirrels Infest England (+PICS)
- U.S. Preparing Military Options Against Iran
- People Suck
- 7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High
- Carly Smithson voted off Idol for Blasphemy?
- Teacher Accused of Burning Crosses onto Students' ...
- Human line 'nearly split in two'
- Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides? - ...
- Scientists Have Found Real Proof that Astrology is...
- All Female Fish Species Lived For 70,000 yrs w/o R...
- Penis theft on the rise
- Jehovah's Witness Refuses Blood for Her Unborn Twins
- The End Of Cheap Food?
- U.S. Leads the World in the Number of People Put i...
- Study discovers how cancer cells spread
- Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club limiting rice purchases
- Foster care could be wrenching for Texas sect chil...
- An appetite for sex
- The Religious Method
- Universal 'babelfish' could translate alien tongue...
- PETA Coughs Up $1 Million Reward For Artificial Meat
- Bionic eyes implanted in blind patients
- Muslim call to adopt Mecca time
- Measure backs 'American values' in state schools
- Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World
- Saudi Women 'Kept in Perpetual Childhood'
- Warming blamed for Minn. moose losses
- Some atheists go to church too, but not to worship
- How do they keep the fish from going down when you...
- Christians clash at Jesus' tomb on Orthodox Palm S...
- Mommy, can I have one of these? please please plea...
- Invention of microwave unleashed obesity ripple ef...
- When bananas ruled the world
- How the rich starved the world
- Nicole Kidman wants her kids out of the CoS
- Barney Frank debuts pot decriminalization bill
- Are NPR and the History Channel selling out science?
- Is there anybody out there?
- Gonorrhea Bacterium Is The Strongest Organism Alive
- Praying Passenger Ejected From Jet
- 6 Things in Expelled that Ben Stein Doesn't Want Y...
- 8 yr-old wife wins divorce
- Customer service blues
- Actor Jason Beghe leaves Scientology
- Clues to ancestral origin of placenta emerge
- 6 Formerly Kickass Creatures Ruined by Evolution
- Can Vegetarians eat Invitromeat?
- Insects' different strategy to smell odors could c...
- 8-year-old girl asks for divorce in court
- This is outragous, in Maine you can go to jail for...
- Dyslexia Differs by Language
- Was Da Vinci's Mother a Slave?
- Carbon Dioxide: Good for Something?
- Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials
- Senegal Chimps use spears to hunt
- Porn for the Blind?
- Ben Stein: Theory of Evolution Paved Way for Holoc...
- Mom Fatally Slashes 'Demon' Daughter
- Parents Fight Over Which Gang Toddler Should Join
- Woman found living with hundreds of rats and four ...
- Why isn't there more public outrage over the gas p...
- Rise In Institutionalized Children Linked To 'Mado...
- The First Animal On Earth Was Significantly More C...
- Creationist Boot Camp
- Backwards evolution?(I'm not talking about my fami...
- Is this a real cat?
- Telecom Whistleblower Discovers Circuit that Allow...
- Muslim School funded by State in MN
- Cheese made from human breast milk?
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed--Scientific Amer...
- Frog without lungs found in Indonesia
- Ancient serpent shows its leg
- No title
- Council for Secular Humanists calls for Rep. Moniq...
- 6 Insane Cults (That Actually Sound Like a Lot of ...
- 16 Secrets the Restaurant Industry Doesn't Want Yo...
- The Devil's Handiwork
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