Saturday, April 26, 2008

People Suck

The world is full of unpleasant people. Many of these people have some very illogical and arguably dangerous beliefs. The case of the FLDS in Texas weighs heavily on my mind. I assume by now everyone is familiar with the case of the bigamist offshoot of the Mormon church that was raided by state officials a while back. Children were taken away from mothers and families allegedly to protect them from child abuse.

I personally have little patience for the brand of crazy that these FLDS espouse. I find their theology to be even more irrational than the typical mainstream orthodoxy tossed about by average band of crazies. But it is their right to be crazy I suppose, except when it endangers the innocent. This is not a clear cut case that you would have with a J.W. refusing a blood transfusion for a minor. I believe the state has a vested interest and an obligation to protect children, but that power must be used carefully.

So here's the problem.These nutbars are arguably a totally foreign culture. If all the parents in Kentucky went to jail that married off underage girls, we would definitely have to build more prisons. Prearranged marriages amongst Asians, the Hasidim and Italian communities is very common. So should the state interfere with these unique cultures or ethnic groups? Is having a repulsive or bizarre belief system make you subject to governmental harassment?

In many cultures the age when a girl becomes eligible for marriage varies greatly. So when is a girl ready? Some may never be ready. Is a prearranged marriage for an underage girl child abuse? Maybe, Maybe not. Should it be up to the government to decide? For the most part, no. The only thing I can say for sure is that I am glad I am not the one charged to make that decision. For the most part I want the government to stay the hell out of my business and think most rational people feel the same. But damn, these people are weird. I really don't blame Texas for keeping an eye on them. But on the other hand do we need another Ruby Ridge or Waco fiasco?

So any way, sign me:

Confused in Ohio

Emoose out

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