Saturday, January 31, 2009

Is the Bible to blame for trashing earth?


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Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps caught with bong

THIS is the astonishing picture which could destroy the career of the greatest competitor in Olympic history. In our exclusive photo Michael Phelps, who won a record EIGHT gold medals for swimming at the Beijing games last summer, draws from a bong.

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Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends

A rural Illinois jury has found one of their peers innocent in a marijuana case that would have sent him to prison. People are coming to realize that not only have they been sold a lie when it comes to marijuana -- they've been sold a particularly cruel lie, a self-perpetuating falsehood of epic proportions that has controlled U.S. public policy.

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Christians don't tip on Sunday?

From Prayer Pilgrimage:

"My daughter, taking a break from her pursuit of a graduate degree, is a server at the Chili's a few miles down from our house. Like many others her age she is already pretty critical of the church and its obvious hypocrisies. Her cynicism, that to say, is neither atypcial nor incomprehensible. Nor does this kind of thing help--her or others.

A group of six church-goers came in last night after their evening services and sat down, not in her area but in another server's. When the girl came to greet them and take their drink order, one of them said, "We want to tell you up front that we will not be tipping you tonight because..."

Are you ready?

"...we do not believe in people working on Sunday."

The girl was taken full-aback, stammered out something that sounded like "I wouldn't have to work on Sunday if so many church people didn't come in," or some such. She was furious. So was the manager of the restaurant whom she summoned to deal with them. I think he should have tossed the people out on their...uh...Bibles. To his credit, and demonstrating something like agape all around, he did say to them, "Well, we don't believe in making our people work for nothing, so I will be serving you tonight." And he did. God bless him.

No one is consistent. I am clear on that. But better to confess your own sin in such a situation than presume to see it in another who is just doing the best they can. No wonder Jesus had such animosity toward Pharisees who "lay (heavy burdens) on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them" (Matthew 23:4). No wonder an entire generation of would-be believers has such animosity toward the church.

As George MacDonald wrote long ago, "Had you given yourself to understanding his word that you might do it, and not the quarrying from it of material wherewith to buttress your systems, in many a heart by this time would the name of the Lord be loved where now it remains unknown..."

For my part--and I am a Pharisee myself, even saying this, but I cite my practice not with pride but with confession--I pray for the forgiveness of God and verbally ask the forgiveness of the Hardee's drive-through lady each Sunday as I buy coffee on my way to church. I know I am complicit: on the one hand I do wish, with my head and heart, that all people had Sunday free; that said, I do nothing, nothing to lift a finger to make that happen by even so little a fast or act of self-sacrifice as making my own coffee on a busy Sunday morning--much less by not eating a Sunday lunch or dinner at one of the sit-down places in"

Thursday, January 29, 2009

School can expel lesbian students, court rules

An appeals panel finds California Lutheran High School in Riverside County is not a business and therefore doesn't have to comply with a state law barring discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Reporting from San Francisco -- After a Lutheran school expelled two 16-year-old girls for having "a bond of intimacy" that was "characteristic of a lesbian relationship," the girls sued, contending the school had violated a state anti-discrimination law.

In response to that suit, an appeals court decided this week that the private religious school was not a business and therefore did not have to comply with a state law that prohibits businesses from discriminating. A lawyer for the girls said Tuesday that he would ask the California Supreme Court to overturn the unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the 4th District Court of Appeal.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pakistani newlyweds live in fear of honour killing

According to United Nations an estimated 5,000 people are being killed every year in the name of honor. A large majority of the victims are women. Most of these killings are reported to be in South Asia and the Middle East regions.

Pakistan High Court Rules That Honor Killing Is Not Murder

More indication of the widespread acceptance of honor killing in Muslim countries -- while the world continues to look the other way, and no one calls upon Islamic communities in the West to do anything about this, despite the fact that we have already seen honor killings in the U.S.

Atheist Hell, Buahaha!

Oooooh Atheists! Scary!

The Seven Deadly Sins of Religion

More Spaceflight Needed To Drive Evolution

There is fierce debate over the direction humanity should take when exploring the solar system. Plans for human exploration of the solar system and beyond often polarize opinions among the public and scientific communities.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God is an Atheist

Trials for Parents Who Chose Faith Over Medicine

Kara Neumann, 11, had grown so weak that she could not walk or speak. Her parents, who believe that God alone has the ability to heal the sick, prayed for her recovery but did not take her to a doctor.

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Is Space Travel the Next Step in Human Evolution?

Increasingly, advocates of space exploration believe leaving the planet is the natural next step of human evolution. They hope this will lead to a shift in human consciousness from an earth-centered frame of reference to one centered on the solar system and, eventually, the entire galaxy.

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Disabled Man Sues Businesses for a Living

Wheelchair-bound Tom Mundy has been unemployed for the past two years. Yet he's still making six figures by what some call "legal extortion," but what he says is advocacy.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

8 Racist Words You Use Every Day

Have you ever worried that, no matter how hard you try, you'll just never be racist enough? Well, you're in luck. As it turns out, you've been unconsciously using racial slurs your entire life! Slurs like...

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

19 yr old assaults mom with a taco after she uplugs his xbox

How did this make the news? Very pathetic!

“He went ahead and hit me with the taco and I got taco all over my shirt and kitchen. I’ve threatened to call police before. But anyway this time, I thought he went too far so I called police and he's in jail now.”

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Debt collector hires witch

I think they probably misspelled it.

A Lithuanian debt collector has hired a witch to hunt down companies and individuals who are failing to pay their debts amid the credit crunch.

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Militant Druids Fight Museum Over A 4,000-Year-Old Skeleton

Militant Druids! Who knew?

A group of militant Druids has forced an expensive official inquiry after demanding that a museum release an ancient skeleton and seven other sets of prehistoric remains excavated near the ancient stone circle in Avebury, Wiltshire, are their 'tribal ancestors'. If their claim is rejected, they have threatened to take a test case to the High Court.

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Churches on their knees! In need of money.

How to persuade budget-pinched members to open their wallets to charity?

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KKK Asshats Call for Boycott of Hallmark

In a move that's sure to cost Hallmark tens of dollars, members of the Ku Klux Klan are asking white Americans to boycott all purchases from the greeting card company for "trying to corrupt the morality of Americans by offering gay/lesbian wedding and greeting cards."

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Top Saudi cleric: OK for 10 year old girls to be wed [WTF?]

The debate over the controversial practice of child marriage in Saudi Arabia was pushed back into the spotlight this week, with the kingdom's top cleric saying that it's OK for girls as young as 10 to wed. "A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Public Demands Marijuana Law Reform

In short Madam Speaker, the people have done their part — just as you requested. The question now is: When are your colleagues and the incoming administration going to do their part to end the federal government’s war on marijuana consumers?

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UPS Delivers 30-Pound Marijuana Brick To Wrong Address

UPS delivers, but not always to the right address, a Denton man discovered Monday when he found a lot of green inside a package dropped on his porch by the men in brown.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life on Mars?

ALIEN microbes living just below the Martian soil are responsible for a haze of methane around the Red Planet, Nasa scientists believe.The gas, belched in vast quantities in our world by cows, was detected by orbiting spacecraft and from Earth using giant telescopes. Nasa are today expected to confirm its presence in a briefing.

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Marijuana Law Reform Now Political Opportunity-Not Liability

Voting ended late last week on the President-Elect¹s website As was the case in December, questions from the general public pertaining to marijuana and drug policy reform proved to be extremely popular.

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Ricardo Montalban Dies at 88

"Fantasy Island" star Ricardo Montalban passed away today. The cause is, as yet, undisclosed.

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Neanderthal Weaponry Lacked Projectile Advantage

Around 80,000 years ago, modern humans came up with an important invention that may have forever changed the course of human history and sealed the fate of Neanderthals: projectile weapons.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Focus on whose family?

Working third shift I often turn to talk radio for companionship. In the Dayton,Ohio area that means WHIO. It's the local station that features Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the like. They also broadcast The Coast to Coast a.m. show from midnight to 5:00 am. I've emailed them a couple of times about something that bothers me. Several times a day they air spots from an organization called "Focus on the Family".

If you are not familiar with this organization click on the title of this post to take you to their website. Go ahead take your time: I'll wait............................................

You back? Great!

If you look around their site you'll have no trouble seeing that they are an extreme right wing organization with a conservative agenda. You will also notice that they anti-gay,anti-choice and anti-evolution. Normally I would just dismiss them as another group of bible thumping extremists peddling another flavor of crazy. But what bothers me is that according to the brief correspondence I had with WHIO, F.O.F does not pay for the airing of those spots. WHIO does it for gratis.

Doesn't that seem fundamentally wrong? Aren't radio stations licenced by the government? Shouldn't they at least put a a disclaimer with these little ignorance bombs?

Sign me:

a confused freethinker from Dayton

Emoose out


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