"A new study mapping the evolutionary history of animals indicates that Earth's first animal -- a mysterious creature whose characteristics can only be inferred from fossils and studies of living animals--was probably significantly more complex than previously believed."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
23 "the book was better" movies
Number one is The Shining. Just kidding.
How about a "Movies that were as good if not better than the book" review? I can think of two right off the top of my head: "Maltese Falcon" and "The World According to Garp".
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How about a "Movies that were as good if not better than the book" review? I can think of two right off the top of my head: "Maltese Falcon" and "The World According to Garp".
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NYT: Hagee is as Bad as Wright, McCain Overdue to Denounce
prominent African-Americans are regularly called upon to explain or repudiate what other black Americans have to say, while white public figures are rarely, if ever, handed that burden.McCain has continued to embrace a prominent white supporter, Pastor John Hagee, whose bigotry matches that of Mr. Wright. McCain has not tried hard enough to stop...
I actually have more respect for Wright than Hagee, At least Wright is right half the time.
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An Iranian's vision of Jesus' life stirs debate
The Iranian director's new film is based on the Islamic version of the life of Jesus, depicting the man Christians believe to be the messiah and son of God as a tormented Judean prophet foretelling the coming of Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim faith.
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Teen Plots to Kill Jesus
Federal authorities say a South Carolina teen accused of plotting to blow up his high school told police that he wanted to die, go to heaven and kill Jesus.
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Roving Defender of Evolution, and of Room for God
An evolutionary biologist and geneticist at the University of California, Irvine, he speaks often at universities, in churches, for social groups and elsewhere, usually in defense of the theory of evolution and against the arguments of creationism and its ideological cousin, intelligent design.
Usually he preaches to the converted. But not always.
Half man, half chimp - should we beware the apeman's coming?
He said if a female chimpanzee was inseminated with human sperm the two species would be closely enough related that a hybrid could be born.
They are already here and they all live in Dayton.
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They are already here and they all live in Dayton.
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Couple loses child custody over Mike's Hard Lemonade
A University of Michigan archeology professor takes his son to a Baseball game and buys his son a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade, unaware of the alcohol content. His son was subsequently placed into foster care over the honest mistake.
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Monday, April 28, 2008
April 29, 1964: Godzilla, Mothra Clash for First Time
1964: Mothra vs. Godzilla makes its screen debut in Japan. Or was it Mothra Against Godzilla, Godzilla vs. Mothra or Godzilla vs. The Thing?
Wis. parents who prayed as diabetic daughter died charged
WESTON, Wis. (AP) -- Two parents who prayed as their 11-year-old daughter died of untreated diabetes were charged Monday with second-degree reckless homicide.
Family and friends had urged Dale and Leilani Neumann to get help for their daughter, but the father considered the illness "a test of faith" and the mother never considered taking the girl to the doctor because she thought her daughter was under a "spiritual attack," the criminal complaint said.
Religion a figment of human imagination
Humans alone practice religion because they're the only creatures to have evolved imagination.
That's the argument of anthropologist Maurice Bloch of the London School of Economics. Bloch challenges the popular notion that
Instead, he argues that first, we had to evolve the necessary brain architecture to imagine things and beings that don't physically exist, and the possibility that people somehow
Was woman raped on telephone?
A Tunisian family alleges their daughter was raped during a telephone conversation with a man, a lawyer for the family said.
The 30-year-old man said he never touched the young woman. But he acknowledged he heard her scream while they were "totally into" an erotic telephone conversation -- and that she reported bleeding, Al Arabiya reported.
Maha al-Metebaa, a lawyer representing the family, told the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabs the case needs careful investigation because of its unprecedented allegations. He said a medical examination had determined that the woman, 20, was no longer a virgin.
"The intercourse did take place with all its details but verbally only," he said. "The sexual act did not really happen because the physical proximity factor is not there, yet it happened because there is a direct physical impact – the loss of virginity."
The 30-year-old man said he never touched the young woman. But he acknowledged he heard her scream while they were "totally into" an erotic telephone conversation -- and that she reported bleeding, Al Arabiya reported.
Maha al-Metebaa, a lawyer representing the family, told the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabs the case needs careful investigation because of its unprecedented allegations. He said a medical examination had determined that the woman, 20, was no longer a virgin.
"The intercourse did take place with all its details but verbally only," he said. "The sexual act did not really happen because the physical proximity factor is not there, yet it happened because there is a direct physical impact – the loss of virginity."
Man 'kept daughter in dungeon for 24 years'

An Austrian woman has told police how she was held captive in a cellar for 24 years and abused by her father, falling pregnant six times. The 42-year-old - named yesterday only as Elisabeth F - said she was drugged, handcuffed and dragged into the adapted cellar beneath the family home in 1984 and there since.
Her 73-year-old father, "Josef F", has been arrested on suspicion of incest and keeping his daughter in captivity.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Human Soul for sale on Ebay, get 'em while they're hot!
It sold for $18.63! Plus $0.37 shipping. What kind of packaging would you need for an immortal soul?
I wonder what mine is worth? Think I could get enough for a new MacBook?
I wonder what mine is worth? Think I could get enough for a new MacBook?
Guarantee you place in Heaven!
Reserve A Spot In Heaven is here for the sole purpose of allowing you the opportunity to secure your spot in Heaven before it’s too late. Yes, at the moment there is plenty of room in Heaven for you and all of your loved ones, but what most individuals don't realize is that although a large portion of this space remains vacant, spots are filling very quickly. So quick that if you don’t act now you may lose your chance at getting in. How does a future of endless suffering sound? Not so good, which is why we are here to help.
They even take Paypal!
Consumer Ethanol Appliance Promised By Year's End
Newscloud brings us news of a startup called E-Fuel promising to ship a home-brew ethanol plant, the size of a washer-dryer, for under $10,000 by the end of this year. We've had plenty of discussions about $1/gal. fuel — these guys want to let you make it at home. The company says it plans to develop a NAFTA-enabled distribution network for inedible sugar from Mexico at 1/8th the cost of trade-protected sugar, to use as raw material for making ethanol. A renewable energy expert from UC Berkeley is quoted: "There's a lot of hurdles you have to overcome. It's entirely possible that they've done it, but skepticism is a virtue."
H.R.5843 Act to Remove Federal Penalties Marijuana Use
H.R. 5843 would eliminate most Federal penalties for possession of marijuana for personal use.
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Sect Children Face Another World, but Still No TV
Because the children, from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or F.L.D.S., have never eaten processed foods, the new shelter mantra is whole grains and fresh vegetables. Because they have never been to public school, the equivalent of home schooling will be established in shelters.
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Soldier Sues Army, Saying His Atheism Led to Threats
Army Specialist Jeremy Hall said he did not advertise his atheism during his service, but his views became apparent during his second deployment to Iraq. An officer told him, and others, they would be punished for not being Christians like the founding fathers, nullifying religious freedom to believe or not believe.
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Saturday, April 26, 2008
Is Circumcision A Barbaric Religious Practice Pushed On Parents Under The Guise Of Medical Necessity?
"Why should parents be allowed to have a child's body part removed to prevent a possible future disease? The incidence of penile cancer in uncircumcised men is far; far less than one in eight yet people still use that as a rationalization for the practice. Additionally, the number of children who present with penile cancer is undocumented and likely infinitesimal leaving plenty of time for the grown, uncircumcised man to decide for himself if he wants to have his foreskin removed to prevent a possible future ailment."
Bacteria produces Biofuel from salty water
Women sexually assulted by ghost?
FEDERAL WAY, Wash. -- Two local women claim they've been sexually assaulted by ghosts.
According to a police report, the two women told officers a paranormal person has been placing sensors on their bodies and having intercourse with them at their apartment in the 28600 block of 25th Place South.
One of the women said the assault began when she lived in Kent and followed them to Federal Way. The second woman said her encounters began recently.
Some how I missed this story. Are they trying to cash in on the whole"Ghost Hunter" thing?
According to a police report, the two women told officers a paranormal person has been placing sensors on their bodies and having intercourse with them at their apartment in the 28600 block of 25th Place South.
One of the women said the assault began when she lived in Kent and followed them to Federal Way. The second woman said her encounters began recently.
Some how I missed this story. Are they trying to cash in on the whole"Ghost Hunter" thing?
How Presidential Candidates Would Handle a Zombie Threat
Thus far, the presidential candidates (and one ex-candidate) haven’t been particularly forthcoming with their platforms on the whole zombie issue. So what are we discerning voters to do?
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Mutant Black Squirrels Infest England (+PICS)
The upstarts are the genetic mutations of grey squirrels. And although nuts may be their food of choice there have been reports of their hungry Russian counterparts savaging stray dogs. Black squirrels could spread to Norfolk and Suffolk within 10 years and there are fears they could wipe out greys altogether.
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U.S. Preparing Military Options Against Iran
The nation's top military officer said today that the Pentagon is planning for "potential military courses of action" against Iran, criticizing what he called the Tehran government's "increasingly lethal and malign influence" in Iraq.
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People Suck
The world is full of unpleasant people. Many of these people have some very illogical and arguably dangerous beliefs. The case of the FLDS in Texas weighs heavily on my mind. I assume by now everyone is familiar with the case of the bigamist offshoot of the Mormon church that was raided by state officials a while back. Children were taken away from mothers and families allegedly to protect them from child abuse.
I personally have little patience for the brand of crazy that these FLDS espouse. I find their theology to be even more irrational than the typical mainstream orthodoxy tossed about by average band of crazies. But it is their right to be crazy I suppose, except when it endangers the innocent. This is not a clear cut case that you would have with a J.W. refusing a blood transfusion for a minor. I believe the state has a vested interest and an obligation to protect children, but that power must be used carefully.
So here's the problem.These nutbars are arguably a totally foreign culture. If all the parents in Kentucky went to jail that married off underage girls, we would definitely have to build more prisons. Prearranged marriages amongst Asians, the Hasidim and Italian communities is very common. So should the state interfere with these unique cultures or ethnic groups? Is having a repulsive or bizarre belief system make you subject to governmental harassment?
In many cultures the age when a girl becomes eligible for marriage varies greatly. So when is a girl ready? Some may never be ready. Is a prearranged marriage for an underage girl child abuse? Maybe, Maybe not. Should it be up to the government to decide? For the most part, no. The only thing I can say for sure is that I am glad I am not the one charged to make that decision. For the most part I want the government to stay the hell out of my business and think most rational people feel the same. But damn, these people are weird. I really don't blame Texas for keeping an eye on them. But on the other hand do we need another Ruby Ridge or Waco fiasco?
So any way, sign me:
Confused in Ohio
Emoose out
I personally have little patience for the brand of crazy that these FLDS espouse. I find their theology to be even more irrational than the typical mainstream orthodoxy tossed about by average band of crazies. But it is their right to be crazy I suppose, except when it endangers the innocent. This is not a clear cut case that you would have with a J.W. refusing a blood transfusion for a minor. I believe the state has a vested interest and an obligation to protect children, but that power must be used carefully.
So here's the problem.These nutbars are arguably a totally foreign culture. If all the parents in Kentucky went to jail that married off underage girls, we would definitely have to build more prisons. Prearranged marriages amongst Asians, the Hasidim and Italian communities is very common. So should the state interfere with these unique cultures or ethnic groups? Is having a repulsive or bizarre belief system make you subject to governmental harassment?
In many cultures the age when a girl becomes eligible for marriage varies greatly. So when is a girl ready? Some may never be ready. Is a prearranged marriage for an underage girl child abuse? Maybe, Maybe not. Should it be up to the government to decide? For the most part, no. The only thing I can say for sure is that I am glad I am not the one charged to make that decision. For the most part I want the government to stay the hell out of my business and think most rational people feel the same. But damn, these people are weird. I really don't blame Texas for keeping an eye on them. But on the other hand do we need another Ruby Ridge or Waco fiasco?
So any way, sign me:
Confused in Ohio
Emoose out
Friday, April 25, 2008
7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High
EDITORS' DISCLAIMER: Cracked does not endorse eating the below foodstuffs for the express purpose of getting high, as the side effects are usually horrible enough to make you forget you were high in the first place. Thus the information in this article should only be used for scintillating chitchat at cocktail parties and around the office.
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Carly Smithson voted off Idol for Blasphemy?
Online chat boards devoted to “American Idol” have been abuzz since Ms. Smithson performed the title song from “Jesus Christ Superstar” - the 1970 rock opera, which many Christians consider offensive. WTF, man?
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Teacher Accused of Burning Crosses onto Students' Arms
The Mount Vernon public-school science teacher who won't remove his personal Bible from the top of his desk also is accused of conducting a religious “healing session” during school and burning crosses onto students' arms.
Why are all these nut cases from Ohio?
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Why are all these nut cases from Ohio?
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Human line 'nearly split in two'
Ancient humans started down the path of evolving into two separate species before merging back into a single population, a genetic study suggests.
The genetic split in Africa resulted in distinct populations that lived in isolation for as much as 100,000 years, the scientists say.
The genetic split in Africa resulted in distinct populations that lived in isolation for as much as 100,000 years, the scientists say.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides? - health - 2
Are we all just victims of our environment? It make sense that we are affected by the natural forces of our home world that we evolve on.
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Scientists Have Found Real Proof that Astrology is Rubbish
Scientists have found astrology to be rubbish. Its central claim - that our human characteristics are moulded by the influence of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of our birth - appears to have been debunked once and for all and beyond doubt by the most thorough scientific study ever made into it.
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All Female Fish Species Lived For 70,000 yrs w/o Reproducing
A fish species, which is all female, has survived for 70,000 years without reproducing sexually, experts believe. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh think the Amazon Molly may be employing special genetic survival "tricks" to avoid becoming extinct.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Penis theft on the rise
KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.
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Jehovah's Witness Refuses Blood for Her Unborn Twins
A pregnant woman with severely anaemic twins has objected to the babies receiving a potentially life-saving blood transfusion when they are born on religious grounds, the High Court was told yesterday.
U.S. Leads the World in the Number of People Put in Prison
The United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. But it has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners. Indeed, the United States leads the world in producing prisoners, a reflection of a relatively recent and now entirely distinctive American approach to crime and punishment.
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Study discovers how cancer cells spread
Canadian scientists say they've discovered cancer cells spread by releasing protein "bubbles" -- a finding that might alter our concept of how cancer works.
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Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club limiting rice purchases
Wal-Mart Stores Inc's (WMT.N: Quote, Profile, Research) Sam's Club warehouse division said on Wednesday it is limiting sales of several types of rice, the latest sign that fears of a rice shortage are rippling around the world.Sam's Club, the No. 2 U.S. warehouse club operator, said it is limiting sales of Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white
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Foster care could be wrenching for Texas sect children
Many of the children have seen little or no television. They have been essentially home-schooled all their lives. Most were raised on garden-grown vegetables and twice-daily prayers with family. They frolic in long dresses and buttoned-up shirts from another century. They are unfailingly polite.
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An appetite for sex
Calorie intake before conception may mean the difference between boys and girls. The sex of new babies is influenced by the mother's diet before she conceives, a new study suggests.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
PETA Coughs Up $1 Million Reward For Artificial Meat
PETA doesn't mind if you eat meat; they just want that meat to not be from a dead animal. The organization cares so much about this that they've offered up a $1 million prize to the first scientist that can create meat that's... In essence, fake meat.
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Bionic eyes implanted in blind patients
Bionic eyes have been implanted in British patients for the first time offering hope to hundreds of thousands of blind people.
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Muslim call to adopt Mecca time
Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth.
Mecca is the direction all Muslims face when they perform their daily prayers.
The call was issued at a conference held in the Gulf state of Qatar under the title: Mecca, the Centre of the Earth, Theory and Practice.
One geologist argued that unlike other longitudes, Mecca's was in perfect alignment to magnetic north.
Measure backs 'American values' in state schools
Arizona schools whose courses "denigrate American values and the teachings of Western civilization" could lose state funding under the terms of legislation approved Wednesday by a House panel.
SB1108 also would bar teaching practices that "overtly encourage dissent" from those values, including democracy, capitalism, pluralism and religious tolerance. Schools would have to surrender teaching materials to the state superintendent of public instruction, who could withhold state aid from districts that broke the law.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. � Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting...
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Saudi Women 'Kept in Perpetual Childhood'
Saudi women are being kept in perpetual childhood so male relatives can exercise "guardianship" over them, the Human Rights Watch group has said.The New York-based group says Saudi women have to obtain permission from male relatives to work, travel, study, marry or even receive health care.
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Warming blamed for Minn. moose losses

Wally Kuehl knows something is wrong with the moose. "I don't see one-tenth as many of them as I used to," he says as he digs into breakfast at Our Place, a restaurant and bar here.
Twenty years ago, he'd regularly see 20 or more moose daily on a road he drives frequently, says Kuehl, 60, who hauls pulp wood. "I've seen half a dozen all this winter," he says.
Kuehl has heard that studies suggest that moose, an iconic symbol of the state, are dying because climate change makes them more vulnerable to parasites. He doesn't buy it. "I just think it's a cycle," he says. "People who live here don't believe in global warming."
Damn global warming. To all my Moose brothers: Hang in there!
Some atheists go to church too, but not to worship
Ken Novak, a marketing analyst from Evanston, Ill., is an atheist. But that doesn't stop him from going to services on Sundays. While there, he leads a discussion group and a book club, listens to the Sunday school children sing and finds fellowship with others. |
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Christians clash at Jesus' tomb on Orthodox Palm Sunday
JERUSALEM - Dozens of Greek and Armenian priests and worshippers exchanged blows at one of Christianity's holiest shrines on Orthodox Palm Sunday, and used palm fronds to pummel police who tried to break up the brawl.
The fight came amid growing rivalry over religious rights at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built over the site in Jerusalem where tradition says Jesus was buried and resurrected.
Did you ever notice that you never hear about Agnostic vs. Atheists riots?
The fight came amid growing rivalry over religious rights at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, built over the site in Jerusalem where tradition says Jesus was buried and resurrected.
Did you ever notice that you never hear about Agnostic vs. Atheists riots?
Invention of microwave unleashed obesity ripple effect
The invention of the microwave may have been intimately connected to the beginning of an epidemic in obesity
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When bananas ruled the world
Intrigue. Power. Corruption. Death. Sex. The history of oil has nothing on that of the yellow fruit.
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How the rich starved the world
World cereal stocks are at an all-time low, food-aid programmes have run out of money and millions face starvation. Yet wealthy countries persist with plans to use grain for petrol. Plus Iain Macwhirter on how food prices are rocketing
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Friday, April 18, 2008
Nicole Kidman wants her kids out of the CoS
Nicole Kidman , a Catholic, has limited contact with her adopted kids by Tom Cruise, Isabella and Connor, who are deeply entrenched in Scientology. At the New York premiere of Ian Halperin's film, "His Highness Hollywood," a Scientology insider told Halperin that Kidman "wants her kids out of the church."
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Are NPR and the History Channel selling out science?
Bad Astronomy blogger Phil Plait says that NPR and The History Channel taking advertising dollars from the makers of the anti-science movie "Expelled" is "seriously like taking the KKK’s money for ads, or from NAMBLA." ... Not all of his science-loving readers agree.
While I believe that the producers of "Expelled" are at best intellectually dishonest, is comparing them to NAMBLA or the KKK fair?
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While I believe that the producers of "Expelled" are at best intellectually dishonest, is comparing them to NAMBLA or the KKK fair?
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Is there anybody out there?
Probably not, according to one scientist.
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Gonorrhea Bacterium Is The Strongest Organism Alive
Pound-for-pound, it's the strongest organism ever. This mighty beast is the gonorrhea bacterium – the strongest creature alive. These tiny creatures can pull with a force equal to 100,000 times their body weight – as though a human could drag 10 million kilos.
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Praying Passenger Ejected From Jet
A passenger praying in the back of a plane shortly before it took off from Kennedy International Airport on Wednesday evening was ejected from the flight for failing to follow the flight attendants’ orders to return to his seat.
The passenger, a bearded Orthodox Jewish man wearing a black hat and a long black coat, went to the back of a United Airlines jet with a small prayer book and started praying, according to a witness who was aboard. Two flight attendants tried to get his attention, but he ignored them, according to the witness, Ori Brafman, who was sitting a few rows away.
Why do the religious always presume that their practices supersede everyone else's rights?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
6 Things in Expelled that Ben Stein Doesn't Want You to Know
In the film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Ben Stein poses as a "rebel" willing to stand up to the scientific establishment in defense of freedom and honest, open discussion of controversial ideas like intelligent design. But Expelled has some problems of its own with honest, open presentations of the facts about evolution, ID and its own agend
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8 yr-old wife wins divorce
"I am happy that I am divorced now. I will be able to go back to school,'' Nojud Mohammed Ali said, after a public hearing in Sanaa's court of first instance.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Customer service blues
Anyone that has dealt with the public will fond this article dead on. I have talked to people on the phone and in person that dumb.I have talked to people that thought Canada was part of the U.S.,that New Mexico was a Foreign country and one guy that thought you didn't need to plug Stereo equipment into the wall.
Actor Jason Beghe leaves Scientology
Jason Beghe, known for his roles in movies as Thelma & Louise and Numb3rs, has publicly and loudly severed his ties to the Church of Scientology.
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I can't wait for the Prince video when he finally gets fed up with being a J.W.
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I can't wait for the Prince video when he finally gets fed up with being a J.W.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Clues to ancestral origin of placenta emerge
Evidence suggests the placenta of mammals evolved from the much simpler tissue that attached to the inside of eggshells and enabled the embryos to get oxygen.
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Monday, April 14, 2008
Can Vegetarians eat Invitromeat?
So you got to wonder, could a Vegan eat meat grown in a test tube? Was Invitromeat ever alive?
Insects' different strategy to smell odors could challenge theory of evolution
Washington, April 14: The discovery that insects have adopted a strategy to detect odors that is radically different from those of other organisms, may challenge an important theory of evolution.
The gate, a doughnut-shaped protein called an ion channel, provides a safe pathway for ions to flow into a cell. When molecules bind to the odor-sensitive ion channel, the protein changes its shape much like a gate or door changes its conformation as it is opened and closed.
Opened, it allows millions of ions to surge into the cell. Closed, it prohibits the activity of the ions from sending a signal to the brain that an odor is present.
8-year-old girl asks for divorce in court

“My father beat me and told me that I must marry this man, and if I did not, I would be raped and no law and no sheikh in this country would help me. I refused but I couldn’t stop the marriage,” Nojoud Nasser told the Yemen Times. “I asked and begged my mother, father, and aunt to help me to get divorced. They answered, ‘We can do nothing. If you want you can go to court by yourself.’ So this is what I have done,” she said.
Nasser said that she was exposed to sexual abuse and domestic violence by her husband. “He used to do bad things to me, and I had no idea as to what a marriage is. I would run from one room to another in order to escape, but in the end he would catch me and beat me and then continued to do what he wanted. I cried so much but no one listened to me. One day I ran away from him and came to the court and talked to them.”
Please add this to the "And you wonder why I'm an Agnostic" file.
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Yemeni Muslims have something in common, who'd a'thunk it.
This is outragous, in Maine you can go to jail for looking at kids!
This is new to me," Visual Sexual Aggression"? So now it's against the law to look at someone? The potential for abuse by the state is huge! I'm all for protecting children from pedophiles, but this is ridiculous."Thought Crimes" are just around the corner.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Dyslexia Differs by Language
Dyslexia affects different parts of children's brains depending on whether they are raised reading English or Chinese. That finding, reported in Monday's online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, means that therapists may need to seek different methods of assisting dyslexic children from different cultures.
Remember that science fiction novel Babel-17 by Samuel Delaney?
Spooky Eh?!
Was Da Vinci's Mother a Slave?
Leonardo Da Vinci, regarded by many as the greatest genius of the Renaissance, was the son of a humble slave girl and had at least 21 half-siblings, according to compelling new evidence unveiled in Florence, Italy.
Carbon Dioxide: Good for Something?
Chemists are developing strategies to put CO2 to use making products normally derived from oil.
No here's a way to take care of the carbon problem, make it worth something. Just leave it to capitalists to exploit it and make a profit. Problem solved.
No here's a way to take care of the carbon problem, make it worth something. Just leave it to capitalists to exploit it and make a profit. Problem solved.
Cancer Therapy Without Side Effects Nearing Trials
A promising new cancer treatment that may one day replace radiation and chemotherapy is edging closer to human trials.Kanzius RF therapy attaches microscopic nanoparticles to cancer cells and then "cooks" tumors inside the body with harmless radio waves.
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Senegal Chimps use spears to hunt
Chimps sharpened the spears with their teeth |
You'll notice that no one noticed this behaviour until after Charlton Heston Died!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Porn for the Blind?
Porn for the Blind is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to producing audio descriptions of sample movie clips from adult web sites. This service is provided free of charge.
Ben Stein: Theory of Evolution Paved Way for Holocaust
In the new science-bashing movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, Ben Stein and the rest of the filmmakers sincerely and seriously argue that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution paved the way for the Holocaust.
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Mom Fatally Slashes 'Demon' Daughter

A young mother has confessed to brutally slashing her daughter to death because she believed the child — who had a history of sleepwalking — was possessed by the devil, authorities in Illinois said this week.
When will this type of superstitious insanity be put to a stop? And you wonder why I'm an Agnostic.
Woman found living with hundreds of rats and four snakes
Authorities say a woman has been found living with hundreds of rats and four malnourished snakes in a home outside Rochester.
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Why isn't there more public outrage over the gas prices?
Much has been written about this problem, but it seems as though large groups of the general public either doesn't care or wants to defend the oil companies. Is it because they know they have been duped? Everyone wants to think they are smarter than that, but I think we have all been fooled. And it makes me a little angry.
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Friday, April 11, 2008
Rise In Institutionalized Children Linked To 'Madonna-style' Adoption
Creationist Boot Camp
"The atheists are on the march like never before. Why? Because creation is also being discussed like never before and they are worried! This weeklong series of lectures and activities will equip you and your children with the necessary tools and information to dramatically affect this world for Christ.
This time of learning and fellowship with like-minded men, women and children, will help you all fulfil your God-given roles in your families, communities and beyond."
This sounds eerily like "Jesus Camp"
This sounds eerily like "Jesus Camp"
Backwards evolution?(I'm not talking about my family reunions)
Two bacterial species have apparently been caught in the act of merging back into one. This case of de-speciation may be a consequence of the two species being thrown together within domestic animals.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Cheese made from human breast milk?

"Le Petit Singly is a farm that specializes in making cheese from women’s breast milk. Are you imagining the milking process? Admittedly, that imagery makes me come to the conclusion that it’s an absolutely bizarre and crazy world of cheesemaking in little ole Singly, France. But, no. I think the “donors” bring their milk to the farm, or something like that."
This is too bizarre, I'm wondering if this is a hoax.
Frog without lungs found in Indonesia
A frog has been found in a remote part of Indonesia that has no lungs and breathes through its skin, a discovery that researchers said Thursday could provide insight into what drives evolution in certain species.
Cute little thing isn't it.
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...........Rep. Davis said that she had been upset, earlier in the day, to learn that a twenty-second and twenty-third Chicago Public School student this school year had been shot to death that morning. She said that it was wrong for her to take out her anger, frustrations and emotions on me, and that she apologized to me.......
I told her that her explanation was reasonable and that I forgave her. I also suggested that if she really was concerned about public school students dying needlessly, she should look into helping me to get passed legislation to get lap and shoulder seat belts on school buses that is pending in the House and in the Senate.
You see, you don't have to be Christian to forgive.
Ancient serpent shows its leg
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Council for Secular Humanists calls for Rep. Monique Davis to resign

(Amherst, New York) --Rep. Monique Davis, a Chicago Democrat and member of the Illinois legislature, stepped egregiously over the line when she verbally attacked atheist activist Rob Sherman for his religious unbelief during his testimony April 2nd to the House State Government Administration Committee, says the Council for Secular Humanism.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
6 Insane Cults (That Actually Sound Like a Lot of Fun)
The Pope offers people holiday blessings and waves from behind bullet proof glass. One of our cult leaders bangs sex robots from another galaxy. Take your pick.
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16 Secrets the Restaurant Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
Find out what Hooter's doesn't want you to know about their food, or what's up with Burger Kings 'French Toast Sticks'......
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Isn't it amazing what you can get people to do in the name of the Lord?
"The sect's self-styled prophet, Warren Jeffs, was convicted in Utah last year of being an accomplice to the rape of a 14-year-old girl who was forced to marry her 19-year-old cousin. Jeffs is being held in Arizona, where he faces similar charges."
"A search warrant revealed that investigators suspected that the girl was forced to marry a 50-year-old man and that she had given birth to his child eight months ago, when she was 15."
"The girls and women, who were wearing long pioneer-style dresses, were frightened to meet outsiders, making interviews difficult, officials said. For most, the talks were their first exposure to the outside world."
"A search warrant revealed that investigators suspected that the girl was forced to marry a 50-year-old man and that she had given birth to his child eight months ago, when she was 15."
"The girls and women, who were wearing long pioneer-style dresses, were frightened to meet outsiders, making interviews difficult, officials said. For most, the talks were their first exposure to the outside world."
"Once you go into the compound, you don't ever leave it," said Carolyn Jessop, who was one of the wives of the alleged leader of the Eldorado complex, but who left the sect before it began moving to Texas in 2004.
They were not allowed to wear red — the color Jeffs said belonged to Jesus — and were not allowed to cut their hair.
Random Concept Generator
I'm still looking for a personal reality distortion field generator, get back to me if you find one.
If E.T. calls, Would We be Told?
If a verified message from aliens is ever received, would the public be told about it? SETI – the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence - does have an international protocol that if an alien signal is ever received, it would be disseminated among the astronomical community and made public.
But what if it's bad news?
The way things go for me. they'd probably get my voice mail.
Ultra-Orthodox passengers riot aboard El Al plane over screening of film
Ultra-Orthodox passengers on an El Al flight to Kiev caused a serious commotion Sunday morning after, according to their testimony, a movie was screened on board the plane.
"This is not the first time that El Al is faced with problems with ultra-Orthodox people on board flights to religious sites. In 2002, a flight crew had to prevent an ultra-Orthodox passenger, flying from Israel to Britain, from wrapping himself in plastic bags. The pilot was forced to return to Ben Gurion International airport in order to remove the passenger from the plane. The passenger, a Cohen, wrapped himself in plastic bags for fear that the plane's route would pass through the air above the Holon cemetery and he would consequently become impure."
Doesn't this sound like something out of the "Airplane" movie?
"This is not the first time that El Al is faced with problems with ultra-Orthodox people on board flights to religious sites. In 2002, a flight crew had to prevent an ultra-Orthodox passenger, flying from Israel to Britain, from wrapping himself in plastic bags. The pilot was forced to return to Ben Gurion International airport in order to remove the passenger from the plane. The passenger, a Cohen, wrapped himself in plastic bags for fear that the plane's route would pass through the air above the Holon cemetery and he would consequently become impure."
Doesn't this sound like something out of the "Airplane" movie?
A YOUNG woman caught her belly button ring in her nostril this morning after falling from her bed.
The distressed 22-year-old called NSW Ambulance at 4am begging for assistance from paramedics.
She told triple zero operators she had fallen out of bed and her belly button piercing had jammed up her nose in the fall.
Ambulance officers rushed to Warwick Farm to assist the woman but she was not taken to hospital.
An ambulance spokeswoman said it had been a tough day for Sydneysiders, with a St Ives man stubbing his toe at 3.30pm.
I find this story very disturbing. Once again my imagination is working overtime.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Good to know that reason and tolerance still reign supreme in Illinois
Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) interrupted atheist activist Rob Sherman during his testimony Wednesday afternoon before the House State Government Administration Committee in Springfield and told him, “What you have to spew and spread is extremely dangerous . . . it’s dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists!
“This is the Land of Lincoln where people believe in God,” Davis said. “Get out of that seat . . . You have no right to be here! We believe in something. You believe in destroying! You believe in destroying what this state was built upon.”
Man 'used hedgehog as weapon'
A man in New Zealand has been charged with using a hedgehog as a weapon, the New Zealand Herald has reported. Police said William Singalargh, 27, had hurled the hedgehog about 5m (16ft) at a 15-year-old boy.
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Bush Admin Officials Will Be "Indicted For War Crimes"
Media coverage of the disclosure of the "torture memo" authored by Bush Justice Department official John C. Yoo has been mostly a deafening silence. But on this morning's Chris Matthews' show........
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Meteorites delivered the 'seeds' of Earth's life
Scientists presented evidence today that desert heat, a little water, and meteorite impacts may have been enough to cook up one of the first prerequisites for life: The dominance of “left-handed” amino acids, the building blocks of life on this planet.
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What every american should know about the Middle East
Do really think that Pat Robertson is a man of God?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
5 World Religions That Literally Worship Penises
This is no metaphor. You will find no vaguely phallic imagery in this article. These are religions that worship human penises. Learn from them.
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Battle Against Teaching Evolution in Texas Begins
Fred Phelps getting his comeuppance?
The guy who first became famous for picketing the funerals of gay men and women, and then moved on to American soldiers, is in trouble with the law…again.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... maybe there is a god after all!
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... maybe there is a god after all!
Western Canada to be Invaded for it's Oil?
"Oil-rich Western Canada would be a choice morsel to court or conquer." Interesting read about peak oil and the potential effects on our future.
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Bush wouldn't ....Would he?.....nah!...or would he? Let's see, less than a year left in office, yep he'd have enough time!
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Bush wouldn't ....Would he?.....nah!...or would he? Let's see, less than a year left in office, yep he'd have enough time!
I’ve found God, says man who cracked the human genome
The scientist who led the team that cracked the human genome is to publish a book explaining why he now believes in the existence of God and is convinced that miracles are real.
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Saturday, April 5, 2008
Hibernation Method Tested for Space Travel
No matter how much you like your crewmates, a three-year mission to Mars would test the even the best of relationships...
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Glue your spine back together with nano-goo
Northwestern University researchers have shown that a nano-engineered gel inhibits the formation of scar tissue at the injury site and enables the severed spinal cord fibers to regenerate and grow. The gel is injected as a liquid into the spinal cord and self-assembles into a scaffold that supports the new nerve fibers as they grow up and down the spinal cord, penetrating the site of the injury.
USB home pregnancy tester ?

Let me get this straight, the Female in question takes this thing into the bathroom, squats over the toilet and pisses on it. Then you plug it in to the usb port of your computer. Am I getting this right? I have to agree with the dude at coolest-gadgets.com, it's a little ichy.
SMS messages from the dead(cue Twightlight Zone Music)
Priest made millions with fake Exorcisms
Friday, April 4, 2008
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