Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jehovah's Witness Refuses Blood for Her Unborn Twins

A pregnant woman with severely anaemic twins has objected to the babies receiving a potentially life-saving blood transfusion when they are born on religious grounds, the High Court was told yesterday.

1 comment:

Danny Haszard said...

Jehovah's Witnesses complex,blood issue at a glance:

The Watchtower leadership of the Jehovah's Witnesses say no blood,but they actually DO ALLOW some blood "fractions".
Problem is this variance is so esoteric complicated that by the time special elders appear in the ER with the rule book, the JW patient is at the point of no return,bleeding to death.
NOW,they blame the hospital staff for not having a "cell saver" machine instead of the Watchtower leaders who are responsible for making the rules.

I myself endured the Watchtower's no blood commandment with longstanding bleeding Crohn's disease.The Watchtower leadership expects followers to die for their dogma and many have.The medical staff get blamed and are 'damned if they do damned if they don't'.
In 20 years there will be artificial blood for anyone who chooses it,putting an end to this drama.
I am Danny Haszard a real lifelong born 1957 3rd gen JW with a scary 28 year chronic bleeding disease who "took his stand on blood" and refused it countless times Jehovah Witness blood policy reform site Will you die for a lie?



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