Saturday, June 28, 2008

Catholics Venerated Dog Bones For 1500 Years

...."With the Holy Innocents, they are the only personages of the pre‐Christian era to enjoy a general cult in the West, while in the East both patriarchs and prophets were honoured in this way. The history of the supposed relics of the Machabees is obscure: it is not known either when or by whom they were brought to Rome, where they were housed in the church of St. Peter's Chains. Modin and Antioch, according to Jerome, also claimed their relics. In the 1930s it was discovered that the 7bones at Rome believed to be theirs were in reality canine remains; so they were immediately withdrawn from the veneration of the faithful. Their feast, formerly on 1 August, was suppressed in the revision of the Roman calendar (1969)."

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