Monday, December 31, 2007

Woman kicked off bus for reading Bible?

Follow this link

Now this is an interesting story. A 7th Day Adventist was taking a bus to church with her children.  The woman decided to get a little extra Jesus time in and started reading her bible aloud to her children. After a few minutes the bus driver asks the woman to stop. She refuses, the bus driver calls his supervisor, he asks her to stop. She refuses, the supervisor asks her to get off the bus. 

Was the woman discriminated against, was she being persecuted  for being a christian? According to the bus company she was asked to stop reading aloud because she was distracting the operator.  The story does not indicate how close the lady was sitting to the driver or how relatively loud her voice was. But I suppose how distracted the driver was would depend on the individual driving. If he thought it distracting I think it would be perfectly logical to ask her to stop. After watching her on the linked video I think she might have a chip on her shoulder. I bet her family was against her becoming an Adventist and she feels just about anything is a challenge to her faith. Besides aren't Christians supposed to feel that persecution is a confirmation of their faith? 

Personally I try to sleep on long bus rides and if she were bugging me I'd probably tell her to shut up. Maybe I should keep  a copy Bertrand Russell's "Why  I am not a Christian" or Hitchen's "God is not Great" and read aloud from one of those. I bet somebody would tell me to shut up. 

National Treasure....NOT!

I had planned for my next foray into the cinema to Alien versus Predator, but alas I was persuaded to go see the more family friendly National Treasure Two. The only reason they call it National Treasure is because they transfer the equivalent of the U.S. Treasury into Nick Cage's bank account. I don't mind mindless formulaic entertainment, but I do demand that it be entertaining. What A piece of crap. I recommend this movie only for those people suffering from chronic insomnia.  A movie so stupid, so contrived, so artificial that I think that the script may have been written by a computer. A really bad computer. Helen Mirren (one of my all time faves) is totally wasted. Jon Voight another fine actor kind of just meanders about, acting lost. You guys are going to have to start reading those scripts before youn sign the contract.

My bottom line: stay away with prejudice

Rating: 4 antlers down( my lowest rating)

Emoose out   

Who will win The 2007 Mooseys?

I would like to announce the the winners of the first annual Moosey Award. An award that the Mutant Teenage Vampire  blog would like to give to the website or blog  that most represents the worst, most wrong headed and obnoxious pieces of crap on the Internet. These websites are so bizarre that if told you about them without proof you would call me a liar, nay you would call me prevaricator of leviathinian proportions. But I swear to you these are not jokes. The people behind them as misguided as they are, at least appear to be sincere. 

In third place we have a website called Answers in Genesis( is a pro Intelligent Design organization. they are connected to the Creation Museum located just south of my old home town of Cincinnati. There you will find a collection of displays such as: Jesus riding on a dinosaur and children playing with pet dinosaurs. (I'm not joking). It costs 20 bucks to get in (no discounts for agnostics) . Supposedly their exhibits are world class. One of these days I'm going to visit and give you a complete first hand review. This site is full of misinformation and Intelligent Design cheer leading, but they couldn't quite make the grade to the top of Moosey heap to be immortalized as the numero uno. Sorry guys, keep on being as ignorant as you are and someday you reach the heights(read lows).

I had great deal of trouble deciding the between the next two for the top spot. Both of these sites were just so awesome in their hatefulness. But the votes are in and tabulated. Doctor Bob the envelopes please. The first runner up,(the vote was close) is The Wedding Of God
( . From this blog we learn that skin cancer is a punishment from god visited on white people. That the world will end for Caucasians in 2012 and that god in his mercy will allow white people to escape to another planet before we are all burned up by ultraviolet rays. We also find out that U.V. also adversely affects the brains of white people. I frankly don't know if the author of this blog that black people can get skin cancer too or how about African Americans that suffer from albinism? Maybe I'll send an Email ask him. So any way Wedding of God good effort. I was rooting for you.

And now(cue trumpets and orchestra) the winner of the coveted Moosey is: the website for the Westboro Baptist Church( It also should be mentioned the the first time I went to their website it was called God hates Fags. If you go to that address now all you get is a 404 error. For sheer hatefulness, meanness and nastiness you can't go wrong with this site. How do these people sleep at night spewing all that vitriol. You'll notice that I have a link and slide show from the Jesus Camp movie on my blog (highly recommended by the way) and you will find that godly,upstanding  christian group featured there in.

Well congratulations to all of our finalists, let me remind all of our reward recipients that year's ceremony will not be held at Chernobyl(scheduling conflicts). It will be held instead at the North Pacific Gyre. I hear it's lovely this time of year. 

(Disclaimer: this is meant as satire, there is no award or ceremony, it is only meant to make you think. If it offended you , you probably needed to be offended. Too many people don't speak their minds, I respect the people behind these websites for having the courage to speak their minds, please respect me for doing the same.)

Until next year:

Emoose out

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Don't we have enough criminals?

Readers of my blog and people that know me are familiar with my genuine admiration for members of law enforcement. Having had a ringside seat for 29 years of seeing how tough that life can be; I've nothing but respect for the men and women that work so hard and often at great personal risk to keep order in our society. In previous posts I have talked about how policing was done back in my Dad's day contrasted to the "little too quick with the Tazer" police of today. But now we have a another police tactic that just seems a little too far over the edge. So you know I'm not making this up I've got link to the original story I read a couple of days ago.If you got a minute, click it, read the story and watch the video. Go on I'll wait. I've got all night. I'll be here when you get back.

click this link for video and story

So did you read it? This tactic is nothing new. I've heard of it being used before, usually to catch a known criminal, like a fence or drug dealer. The most infamous use of a "sting operations" lately is that god awful reality show called "To catch a predator". In that show they have an adult impersonate a under aged person that wants to have a sexual encounter with an adult. That whole process of the sting leaves me uneasy. Generally the people that get caught are up until that point, law abiding citizens. Doesn't it seem that the authorities are manufacturing crime? Doesn't Columbus, Ohio have enough regular crime without making more? Are we saying that crime is so rare in Columbus that to keep the police busy they have create a crime and criminalize a citizen? 

After watching the video a couple of times I've got what have to be some obvious questions. Firstly, is that woman a police officer? Next, not counting the woman I saw three undercover officers and I assume an officer running the camera. Normally you'd have to be a senior officer to work a sting like that. So I'm guessing these guys are bringing down maybe 60 grand a year (probably more,but they earn it).  Add on liability, overtime and wear and tear on the equipment, not to mention if they had to pay a model or actress to play the part of half naked sun bather 2 grand would be a (very) conservative estimate for the cost of this operation. So what did they achieve for this princely expenditure? They had a woman expose her breasts, the use of a lot of police department assets that might be better used elsewhere and they ruined the life of a (up until then anyway) law abiding man. 

Just for funsies, lets assume our Lady Godivaesque fem fatale was actually an immodest sun worshipper. And let's say that our upstanding citizen was a perv. He spots our girls loose jubbulies, and becomes aroused. Instead of 4 of Columbus' finest we have a uniformed officer patrolling the park. The perv spots said officer and decides to call it a day and keeps Mr. happy in his pants. By my estimate a junior uniformed policeman should only only cost the city about 1/10 of what the cost of the sting operation and plus the fact that we wouldn't have lost a taxpayer and an upstanding citizen makes it even a better bargain.  

The other thing that bothers me about the video is that it seems that the decoy actually touches our "perp" at least twice. She also leans in toward him in a manner to my untrained eye that would indicate an invitation for more intimacy. At one point she rolls onto her back while spreading her legs. Once again I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and it's been awhile since I've been on the market(as Mrs. Emoose will attest).  But when a half naked woman rolls on her back, spreads her legs and at one point places her ankle on our buddies shoulder, then asks to see his Mr. Happy? I would get the impression that she wants to move beyond the conversational stage. Can you say E-n-t-r-a-p-m-e-n-t? Sure I knew you could!

So my last obvious question is: is Columbus, Ohio safer tonight because of this type of policing?

Sign me:

Skeptical in Ohio

Emoose out

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dark Days at Janesville High School

I ran across an article about a 17 year old student in a Wisconsin High School English class that used a bible as a visual aid. During the course of the presentation he ripped a few pages out. Needless to say all hell broke loose. Follow the link to a local news story that features a taped interview of one the unnamed student's class mates. What I find very interesting is that she was not incensed by the desecration of the Christian holy book, she was upset because she felt threatened. Frankly I'm at a loss. Was this her bible? Did the unnamed student break into her house and steal a family heirloom? I could under stand her comments in that context, but why feel threatened? Is the bible in and of itself sacred? Muslims have very strict rules about the treatment of the Koran, but this is the first I've heard of this taboo in regard to christian scripture. 

Now I can understand the comments of the father, if you are a devoutly religious, thinking of the young man's actions as disgusting would be a understandable.  Frankly I feel that most of the vitriol spewed forth by a lot of hardcore Christians is disgusting, but I have yet to feel threatened. A few years ago in my home town of Dayton Ohio, a local pastor organized annual book burnings. Once a year he and his congregation would get together in his church parking lot and build a big bonfire of books and magazines that he and narrow minded brethren considered to be anti-christian. There was another similar campaign to rid the Montgomery County Library of "demonic" books. Fundamentalist Christians would check out the offending literature and "conveniently" loose them. So destroying books to make a statement is nothing new. 

Last I heard the bible was one of the most published book in history, I have at least three copies laying around the house and I'm an agnostic. Let the poor boy have his say. What ever happened to turn the other cheek? I'll admit that at best his actions were insensitive and at worst provocative. But he was with in his rights. Lets give him an"A" for strength of conviction and a "D" for having bad taste. After all it's not the book, it's the words in the book. Do you think god will go away if a 12th grader from Wisconsin tears out a couple of pages from the bible? 

Okay fundies out there repeat after me: IT'S ONLY A BOOK!

Now say that 100 times.
Don't you feel better now?
I know I do.

Emoose out

TV Horrors

I like TV. I like TV a lot. Sometimes I'll balance my trusty iBook on my knee, have a thirst quenching beverage at hand, perhaps a munchie or two and have the idiots lantern tuned to SG1 or  Battlestar Galactica. Sometimes I'll watch something on the History Channel or maybe Lost or Heroes. Like I said , love the tube. Having said all that, I must confess there is a fly in the ointment. I must share viewing with my significant other, the always lovely Mrs. Emoose . Back in the day when there only 3 or 4 choices on the telly peace usually reigned in the old moose cave. But technology rolls on, much like the river in the old song. There is now at least 40 or more channels available. To make things even more complicated, throw in about 200 potential hours stored in two Tivos. But the thing that really is starting to unnerve me is that after 34 years I find that that woman has very bizarre taste in TV shows.

Perhaps bizarre is too weak a word to describe what this woman watches. I frankly am loathe to reveal the strange nature of her viewing habits lest you brand me a prevaricator of the worst sort, but I swear to you it's all true. The first show she watches is (prepare to have your mind blown) is a show called Clean House. Guess what it's about. Go ahead. I dare you. If you guessed house cleaning, you were right. How you get a hour show out of cleaning a house is beyond me. If I told you a few years ago that there would be a show about cleaning a house, you would call me a liar, but I swear it's true. If you ever have a hour that don't mind never getting back, it's on the Style Network. They actually run marathons of this drek. Forget waterboarding make those terrorists watch a couple of hours of this and we'll get the coordinates of Bin Laden's cave in no time. 

The next show is a type rather than single show. There are a number incarnations. They usually involve some poor woman that gets turned in by her so called friends and sometimes relatives for being lacking in the style department. One version is called 'How do I look?" But basically they all have the same format. First our victim humiliated in front of millions of TV viewers, the she is told how inadequate  she is, and that she will never live up to her potential because she doesn't wear the right hair style or the right clothing.  They actually go through her closet and criticize her wardrobe piece by piece and then they throw the clothes in a garbage can. I wonder if there has been any suicides because of that show. These shows are invariably hosted by snotty over groomed morons that need to take stock of their own lives much less judge someone else's worth.  

The next type show is also very bizarre. Some one goes into some one else's house and rearranges their furniture. The don't get anything like cash or new furniture, just their old crap rearranged. There are are a number of shows along the same lines. Some where the neighbors decorate the house or a single room. The only reason to watch these shows is on the off chance that one of the jerky designers or hosts will get a well deserved ass kicking. After an evening of this stuff she wonders why I want to go to another room to read or cruise the Internet. It's to keep from going berserk and becoming a serial killer or the like!

Of course the worst stuff she watches is American Idol,You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars. What Spawn of Satan thought up this crap I don't know, but I say let's gather up our torches and pitchforks and drive a stake through their black hearts. Future generations will thank us. Millions of possessors of Y chromosomes will declare us saints!

I keep meaning to ask if insanity runs in her family, on second thought, maybe I'm better off not knowing. 

Another Xmas bites the dust

I have survived another Xmas. I think they are getting easier. I do sometimes wish that I could simply put the past out of my mind and simply enjoy the spirit of the holiday. But I'm afraid that is not to be, I have seen the little man behind the curtain. My family means well, but there is no way I can ever totally accept it. The best I can do is make my peace with it. Years of J.W. brainwashing has taken it's toll. I do my best not to be bitter, but some wounds take a long time to heal. 

Sign me:

Making progress in Dayton

Emoose out

Monday, December 24, 2007

The middle age booty call

Most of the "guests" that check in after midnight are for lack of a more genteel term are here for a "round of the horizontal mambo ". Some times it is obviously a hooker and her "John". Some times a married couple wanting some "us time". Maybe a guy "closing the deal" with a pickup from the local watering hole. But sometimes, like tonight, it's a cheating wife. How do I know? Reluctance to show me an I.D. is usually the first clue. Checking out 90 minutes later is another. But tonight I didn't have to use any deductive reasoning what so ever.

The computer assigns the room numbers automatically, you just tell the machine the kind of room required and it assigns a room number from a list of rentable rooms. One room in particular is adjacent to the office. Unfortunately for me the walls are paper thin. Sitting in the office its hard to miss anything that goes on in there. Tonight I rented that room to a cheating wife and her boyfriend. I can report the following with little fear of contradiction:
  1. Fred (not his real name) is hot stuff in between sheets.
  2. Fred is a more generously endowed than her husband Bob(not his real name)
  3. Sally(not her real name) was slightly irritated at Fred for not paying for the room.
  4. Sally feels bad that she is cheating on Bob.
  5. Sally is a very vociferous lover.
  6. Fred has excellent stamina for a middle aged man.
  7. Fred couldn't make the encore.
  8. Sally was vociferous in her disappointment at no encore.
It is nice a dude with a little snow up top is getting some action but I could of done without knowing all of the intimate details. But short of wearing ear plugs, I'm stuck. All I've got to say is: Fred you old dog keep on keepin' on, Bob, hang in there bro, there are lots of fish in the sea(better lookin ones too).

One more reason American healthcare sucks

I've had my share of bad experiences with the health care system. Fortunately none of them have resulted in any permanent damage or loss of a loved one. But my run ins pale in comparison to the recently reported tragic story of a California teenager. A 17 year old girl required a liver transplant to save her life. Her health insurer (Cigna) refused to approve the procedure. The doctors at the hospital where she was being treated appealed the decision. Cigna reversed the decision, but unfortunately they did so too late. Nataline Sarkisyan died, or more precisely she was killed by a system where profits are more important than life.

I have a sickening feeling that Nataline's is just one of a multitude of victims of our health care system. Normally I'm a big fan of the free enterprise system. After all it has brought us $29 DVD players, $5 calculators and an amazing standard of life. But what that system has not brought us is good health care. American health care is great if you are rich, a government employee(Senators and Congressmen especially) and below a certain BMI (body mass index). I bet if Teddy Kennedy needed a liver transplant(by the looks of him he might) there would be not even a moments hesitation to give him the treatment he required (I wonder if
Mary Jo Kopechne had good insurance). There are a few thing that just don't lend themselves to the open market system. It's like making a square peg fit a round hole, oh you make it fit but you're going to get some splinters.

When it's time to get my oil change I shop around. I look for the best price or the best value. If I break a leg or need a prostate exam I don't have that luxury. I have to put not only my health care in someones else's hands but my financial health as well. The free enterprise system has no opportunity to function. No chance to drive down prices or improve quality. In just about every industry the system works beautifully, except health care. With my car I have a host of service offering competitors all fighting for the chance to top off my petroleum distillates. Ailments of the human body aren't that easy to standardize. I don't think you are going to see a big menu board ala McDonald's with things like: Appendectomy $399.99 with coupon $249.99 or a two for on special on a mother daughter

Some things like national defense and the postal service just don't lend themselves to a for profit business model. And I think that health care should be added to that short list. Decisions being made about my health should be made by myself and my by attending physician, not by an accountant or a medical shill in the employ of an insurance company.

I've saved the biggest obscenity for last; The CEO of Cigna receives over $21,000,000 a year in total compensation. He received that princely sum not for how many lives he saved but for how much money the company made. I just don't see where the system is working. It's busted.It's defective. It's fubared. I't screwed up. It's bungoed. It's fouled up. It's comin' up short. In other words we as a nation need some fresh thinking when it come to health care . Frankly I don't know if a full blown nationalized system is the answer or not. All I can tell you is that I will be paying particular attention to all the various and sundry ideas being espoused by the current crop of presidential hopefuls. How about you?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A lovely guest

A young man came in wanting a room. He obviously was chemically enhanced. His speech was badly slurred, I had to ask him each question several times before I was able to understand him. "A single, smoking and you want to pay cash" I proffered . While he was attempting to check in he was pulling candy out of the vending machine, he must of spent $6 or $7. He started stuffing his mouth with 3 or 4 kinds of candy. To make things worse he wearing some sort of gold jewellery on his front teeth. Soon Gummi Bears were sticking to his grill and when he tried to talk he spewed multicolored Gummi confetti all over the glass partition. His reply came in the form of barely articulate grunts. "Can you repeat that?" I asked. "UR HUR" he said. By this time the Gummis were stuck in his teeth and he could barely open his mouth . I lowered my head to the change slot trying to hear better. "Brats Bine" I think he said. Unfortunately it was at this point that I got a whiff of his breath, some thing like a combination of an old ash tray and garbage bag leakage. "Did you say that's fine?"I asked. "Ur Hur" he replied. At that point I took his money and handed him his key. He didn't ask where the room was, so I'm afraid to look out the window and see if he still wandering around.

Sign me:

Worried about todays youth

Emoose out

The baby with the bath water

Have you ever used drugs? I don't mean Advil, you know drugs that make you high or alter your conscienceness. The kind sold by young men wearing baggy pants and hoodies standing on a corner in just about any inner city in this country. It is easier to find a drug dealer than it is to find A Radio Shack. Meth, crack, pot, cocaine and just about any uppers, downers or screamers you might desire. So why do you think that is? It is after all illegal to buy, sell, use or even possess. The penalties are very stiff. Depending on quantity and type we are talking days, months and years of prison time. Fines in the hundreds to the many thousands of dollars. In some situations you can loose your bank account, your car and even your house. So again, why ?

You probably already know the answer. In fact any high school economics student could answer the question ( I can answer it and I only got a D) I am not sure what the flaw is in the human brain that creates a desire in us hairless apes to expand or alter our perceptions, but the need or want is real. Some of will even at the detriment of our health or well being fulfill those needs. So there you have a market, throw in addiction into the mix and you have a marketers dream, an ongoing inexhaustible market for a profitable consumable. A market exists and if there is no legal supply chain, well let's just say that like nature, economics abhors a vacuum.

I remember back in high school one of my favorite books Stranger in a Strange Land was officially banned. Never mind that it was a great read, but there were people that read it simply because someone told them they couldn't. I'm sure there is some of that going on amongst casual drug users. They are just doing drugs for the thrill of being rebellious. Just like some people during Prohibition that hadn't had a drink in years suddenly got a mighty thirst. Of course casual users aren't really the problem. Addicts that commit crimes to feed habits and drug dealers that use violence to protect their turf and use drug profits to corrupt law enforcement are the biggest problems. And of course the problem goes right down the line all the way sometimes to some dirt poor peasant in Central America trying to keep food on the table by becoming a virtual serf to the drug lords. There you have an entirely new set of corrupted law enforcement and political officials.

So what's the point to all this. The point is that prohibition is not working. Housing a whole generation of disadvantaged youths in over crowded jails is not working (disproportionately African Americans by the way). Spending billions of dollars to interdict shipments on the sea,air or ground isn't working. Huge wasteful bureaucracies that control largely ineffective anti drug government agencies doesn't work. So what do you think? About time for a different approach wouldn't you say? Let's try decriminalizing drugs. All of them.

Sign me:

Emoose also known as Mr. Common sense

Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Time to Legalize Drugs

Rhetoric should not be driving drug policy. Legalization would strip addiction down to what it really is: a health issue.

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Pot Prohibition Costs Taxpayers More Than $40 Billion/Year

Marijuana prohibition costs US taxpayers nearly $42 billion dollars per year in criminal justice costs and in lost tax revenues, according to an economic analysis released this week.

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Islamic cleric seeks death for women without hijabs

An Islamic cleric who leads Friday prayers at a city in Iranian Azerbaijan has pronounced a death sentence for Iranian women who don't wear the traditional head covering, the hijab, as well as their husbands and fathers.

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Scifi Channel Listen to me please, I'm begging you

If you know me or have read my blog you know that I am a big sci-fi freak. I am an avid reader and viewer. I have been into sci-fi since the 5th grade. The first book(other than Watchtower literature) I read was Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. From there I went on to the Heinlein juveniles ,  and the rest as they say is history. Even the name of my blog is the title of a low budget sci-fi/ horror movie that I wanted to make when I grew up.(I guess that means I have a while) So having said that you'd think I'd as happy as Michael Jackson(also an ex-J.W. by the way) at a daycare center to have the Sci-Fi channel on basic cable. Au contraire mon amie!

Now I admit to loving Battle Star Galactica(my current fave). And what would Friday night be without Stargate Atlantis. I do applaud the people at Sci-Fi channel for showing Doctor Who( a year late but they deserve props) and Torchwood. Even Harry Dresden isn't totally hateful. But you have to admit that 80% of their schedule is crap, unmitigated and undiluted crap. Crap with a capital C,Crap. You know what I'm talking about Sci-Fi channel, don't try slinking out of the room when I'm talking to you. Junk, drek, waste, organic pollution what ever you want to call it.

With the cost of GGI lowering the cost of really good special effects, all you need is a few decent actors and some good scripts. There is no excuse for "Lightspeed"(Stan Lee stick to comic books please) and "Show Down at Area 51". I was embarrassed for you. What is your problem? You have a couple of hundred years of science fiction stories to choose from(yes sci-fi has been around that long). Not all of them can be tied up. C'mon! Put some effort into it. 

Let me make a few suggestions: How about a series (or a mini series) bases on Spider Robinson's Calahan's Cross Time Saloon? Its got everything, It's funny, thought provoking, heart warming and best of all for you it could be made on a shoe string. Most of the stories take place in a bar. How about Frederik Pohl's Gateway series. Great story, minimum special effects budget. I could go on, but you get the point. 

If you need anymore ideas Sci-Fi Channel, drop me a line, no seriously, Drop me an Email. Really I'm serious.

Sign me:

 Anxiously awaiting your Email in Dayton (but not holding my breath)

Emoose out 

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hellboy II: The Golden Army - Teaser

The sequel to Guillermo del Toro's comic book hit brings Ron Perlman back as the big red BPRD agent. In Hellboy II: The Golden Army, he must battle creatures bent on world domination.

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Why E.T. won't talk to us.

In a previous post you'll find a link to a report from Canadian scientists that postulates that we are just to dull and boring for alien civilizations to contact. Most radio messages that are intentionally beamed into outer space consist of mathematical formulae, information about where we are, what we are like, our biology etc. I have to agree with them for the most part, it does sound a bit boring. Of course the real reason that we probably haven't heard an answer is really boring. Even though there are more than likely an astronomical(pardon the pun) number of inhabited planets out there, the friggin'  universe is just too friggin' big. Even at the speed of light it could take generations to get an answer back. 

We are also assuming that E.T. would give a damn. What if our little green friends from Alpha Centauri have some sort of religious taboo concerning contacting or even admitting the existence of alien life forms. Sort of like fundamentalist Christians ignoring scientific evidence for evolution. We also assume that E.T.s are older wiser beings, but there is no reason to think that. They maybe bigger jack asses than we are. And if they are older and wiser what would they have to gain from contacting us. Or what if there is some sort of interstellar etiquette we are not observing, perhaps we need to be properly introduced before we start talking to one another. 

For me the most compelling reason that they won't talk to us is that we are just too scary. We are rude crude and vulgar. We are well on our way to destroying our planet. Our greatest talents are in coming up with better ways to kill ourselves and new reasons hate each other . We are loud, obnoxious and violent. In the intergalactic neighborhood  we are that one really scary family that brings down property values, never mows the lawn  and throws trash in the yard. You know the ones I'm talking about. The one with the out of control kids, the alcoholic father and the slutty gossipy wife. Yep that's us. If I were them I would avoid us like you would avoid a Jehovah's Witness Amway distributor. 

Emoose out

Scientists Say E.T. Too Bored By Our Messages To Phone Home

Radio messages we've sent whizzing out into space over the years to try to contact aliens may simply be too boring for extra-terrestrial beings to answer, say a couple of Canadian astrophysicists. Tedious bits of math, physics and biology normally on offer may just be intellectual spam to alien minds.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

No more Castro?

In 1959 (I was 9 years old, do the math) I received a strange gift from my aunt. It was a glossy magazine, inside the magazine was an arm band emblazoned  with "Julio 26". Being a typical 9 year old I had no idea what it was. I later found out that it was part of a public relations campaign on behalf of the recently victorious Castro led revolution in Cuba.  I seem to remember that at first Castro was looked upon favorably by some here in the States. The Batista regime was had the most support from the criminal element. Cuba had become a virtual Mafia Disney Land under his rule, damn few tears were shed at his demise. When Castro announced he was a Marxist there was a chorus of "I told you so"s to go along with a equally vociferous group that couldn't bring themselves to believe it. 

There have been reports that Castro is about to retire. It's just one more situation that I am having trouble wrapping my head around. The World without Castro? Castro has been a pain in the ass for every president since Eisenhower. No other leader I can think of has done more to make the U.S. look impotent. A little tin horn commie dictator 90 miles off of our coast flipping us the bird . I wonder how many times in the last nearly 50 years has that little nuisance has come close to being bombed and strafed out of existence? About how long would it take a F-16 on full afterburner to get to Havana? How often did Castro think about that? 

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of any flavor of socialism. But It doesn't take a genius to see that the our government's handling of Cuba has been less than inspiring. Our policies have done nothing but make life more difficult for the average Cuban. It also has spawned a whole lot of anti-American sentiment. Or policies have definitely empowered the likes of Hugo Chavez.   

If it turns out that Castro is stepping down I hope that the current administration or the next will use this opportunity to implement a more rational policy in regard to our Caribbean neighbor. After all, our supplies of cahibas, mojitos and cuba libres have to be running low by now.

Sign me:

Not very optimistic in Dayton

Emoose out

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pagan Orgies to Human Sacrifice: The Bizarre Origins of Xmas

Christmas was not, as it turns out, miraculously handed down as a fully formed holiday, complete with wrapped gifts and blinking lights. Rather, it is a rich tapestry woven from countless inexplicable and pointless customs.

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I told you so! (see previous post)

One of my first rants when I started this blog concerned cell phone usage and how people became totally oblivious. In the previous post a young woman was so busy talking on her phone she completely overlooked the fact that her car was ablaze. Fortunately a passerby noticed her predicament and pulled her to safety. Well all I've to say is that I may not always be right but I'm seldom wrong!

Sign me:

Gleefully Gloating

Emoose out

Monday, December 17, 2007

She's on cell, car's on fire

How about an intelligence test for cell phone ownership?

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I missed an important date

Yesterday, December 16, was the anniversary of the of arguably one of the most important innovations of modern times, maybe even all time. 60 years and one day ago a group of scientists and engineers  working for Bell Labs invented the transistor. The transistor is the building block for just about every thing we take for granted in the 21st century. Every thing from cell phones to computers depend on a little glob of silicon and the odd chemical or two. The first one looked like it was cobbled from scraps of plastic and a paperclip. The computer I'm typing this on has a microprocessor on its motherboard with a few million transistors in it miniaturized on a silicon wafer substrate. The little transistorized junctions are so small that you could not see them with an unaided eye. Each one switching off and on a billion time a second. 

Maybe we should have a new  holiday, one that celebrates human ingenuity. Innovations that serve to advance humanity and make life better. We have all kinds of holidays to celebrate all kinds of dubious things. How about we drop Columbus day, he was a racist jerk that brought misery and death to millions and enriched a monarchy that set back civilization back a about a century. I say we dump Columbus day and we use that day for Innovators Day. We would honor people like Tesla,Shockley,Edison,Armstrong and the like. Now I'd take a day off for that.

Touchdown Jesus!!!!!

I regularly travel I-75 between Dayton and Monroe Ohio. If you ever have traveled that road, you know what I'm about to talk about. As a matter of fact this thing has actually been immortalised in song. That's right, I'm talking big "J". All 8 tons and 62 feet(124 feet standing) of our lord and saviour. If you are unfamiliar, here's a Solid Rock Church is another one of those "Mega Churches". You'll find it at the Monroe Ohio exit off of I-75.  There in all it's glory is an immense statute of of Jesus in front of this place, from the waist up. At first glance it looks like he is bathing. His arms are outstretched towards the sky, like a football referee calling a touch down. Or perhaps guiding a airplane into a hanger. The material used to cover the statue has an off white color, leading to the other nickname,"Big Butter Jesus". From the expressway you can also make out the fact the Big Guy serves as a popular bird latrine. 

Other than the fact that it's an eyesore and an exercise in extreme tackiness, I'm pretty much able to ignore the ghastly thing.( Ironically, the other notable thing about the Monroe exit besides the flea markets is the Hustler store directly across the freeway. ) But every time I see the thing I have to ask myself a few perplexing questions: Doesn't the 2nd commandment forbid graven Images?, How much did that thing cost? How did they pay for it? Why did they put that thing up in the first place? Couldn't they find a better thing to do with the money and resources that thing soaked up? How do people of Monroe feel about it? How does the local government feel about it? hmmmmmmm inquiring minds  would like to know!

I suppose they built that thing for their own gratification (reminds me of the tower of Babel).
Is that thing supposed to make me want to convert? I've looked at the damned thing at least a hundred times and I still do not feel the desire to get up close and personal with my alleged saviour. I have no Idea how much that abomination cost, but I bet you could feed, clothe and house a whole lot of people for what it cost.  Of course you have to ask the most obvious question: The bible portrays Jesus as the humble son of a carpenter, would that sort of person want a big statute of himself?  Look at all of the surviving statuary of antiquity. Generals, Kings, conquerors and tyrants for the most part. Not the kind of company that even an imaginary saviour would keep. 

Sign me perplexed in Dayton

Emoose out

Sunday, December 16, 2007

No joy in Alabama

What exactly is it that religious Conservatives have against having a good time with your body?I recently linked a story about the sale and use of dildos in the state of Alabama. If you read the story, you'll find out that you can get a bigger fine for selling a dildo than you can for selling a fire arm to a minor. A pastor is quoted that you may have a "moral use" for a gun but that a dildo only has an "immoral use". Of course the first thing that sprang into my mind was a frustrated Alabama woman pulling out a dildo and robbing a liquor store. "Hand over the cash or I'll orgasm you unconscious" she might say wielding a Doc Johnson Crimson Destroyer with dual vibrating action and lifelike gel vinyl veined exterior! 

Common sense would tell you that the most popular and arguably  the most effective masturbation tool for women would be a finger, used  singly or in multiples as required. Should the Alabama morality gestapo move to ban phalanges? Perhaps loping the fingers off of nubile young women at the beginning of puberty to head off temptation. How about banning those 10 cent pony ride machines in front of the grocery store? Why not go all the way and institute female circumcision, the Mullahs have been using that old trick to control female sexuality for centuries!

Listen you frustrated old farts, Stay out of other peoples bedrooms. Apply your bizarre and unnatural religious beliefs to yourself and leave the rest of us alone! As long as nobody breaks into house and forces you to have a good time with your bodies (you'd probably like that, you pervs!) you have nothing to worry about. By the way, have you solved all the other problems in your state like: unemployment, health care, corruption,pollution and education ? You Haven't?Well come back then and we'll talk.

Sign me unfrustrated in Dayton

Emoose out


Alabama vs. Dildos

Dildos more dangerous than guns?

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

While most Christians embrace Christmas......

Not everybody deals with the Christmas hassles.

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Offended Muslim Syndrome

Steps on how to recognize the symptoms of OMS (Offended Muslim Syndrome) and provide the help needed to those suffering from this crippling social condition.

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The true meaning of Christmas

Friday, December 14, 2007

Evolution vs creation row ends in stabbing

A FRUIT-picking trip to southern New South Wales ended in the death of a Scottish backpacker who became embroiled in a bizarre row about creationism and evolution.

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Great Sci Fi for People Who Think They Don't Like Sci Fi

Blow by the official Top 5 list and get to the comments - astounding stories indeed!

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No Honor in killing

If you check my profile you'll note that I am the proud father of two daughters. Like most parents there have been times when I have been angry with them. Very angry on one or two occasions. But my anger soon passes, all I have to do is to think back to the first time I held them when they were babies. No matter how grown up they get or how old I get they will always be my children. I have an ocean of memories that will warm my soul as long as I live. I've always assumed that fathers everywhere have just about the same kinds of feelings. How can you visit harm on someone you've helped come into this world through an act of love? The concept of child abuse is just simply beyond my understanding.  And something else that simply blows my mind is the all too often reported "honor killings"amongst Muslim  families.

The latest case I've heard about is from Canada. The story has a familiar ring to it. A teenage daughter wanted more freedom to explore and experiment. Like all children her age(16) she wanted experience life, test her boundaries and find herself.  Oh sure, they are from a different culture. But you have to ask yourself why did this father bring his family to Canada? Or other Muslim families come to the States? The short answer is money. Economic opportunity, the chance to make a better life. I got no problems with that part of the equation.   I bet like most immigrants Aqsa's father was hard working honest man. I bet he worked long hours in that taxi of his. I bet he saved every penny, did without, maybe even sent money home. By his lights, A good father, husband and devout Muslim.

But Mr. Parvez, like a few other immigrants to the west, overlooked a few things. Why is there more economic opportunity in the west? It's because of freedom. It sounds corny, but it is true. What Mr.Parvez and his ilk forget is all the things that go along with a free market economy. Namely:Freedom of speech, freedom of association , freedom of expression and freedom of religion. It's not a cafeteria, you can't pick and choose, if you want the better life over here. 

So Mr. Parvez and rest of you honorable men, Let lay a little bit of wisdom I've garnered during my brief stay on this planet. Honor is great but it can't bring back the dead. Once a child starts to grow up and gets a taste of what's out there, total control is no longer an option. If you raise your kid right they're going to make the right decision.  If your child is still alive, there is always a chance the kid will come back in to the fold. If you kill the kid , all bets are off. Or the kid may end up converting to to the church of whatever. Deal! If you got a choice choose life.

So, Who's more deluded?  A Muslim that kills his daughter for not wearing a piece of cloth on her head, Or J.W. that lets their kid die because they won't give him a blood transfusion? Talk about a dubious distinction! 

Sign me disgusted in Dayton

Emoose out

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pat Robertson’s Heresies and the End of an Era?

Pat is stepping down, his son is taking over... some background information on Pat backed up biblically.

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U.S. Commits, Lies About Domestic Human Rights Violations

Under the Bush administration, the United States routinely commits human rights violations within its borders, according to a new report by the U.S. Human Rights Network.

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Restoring Habeas

Why old "enemy combatmant" rules can't apply to a global battlefield.

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Scientist Who Sparked Racism Has Black Genes

A Nobel Prize-winning scientist who provoked a public outcry by claiming black Africans were less intelligent than whites has a DNA profile with up to 16 times more genes of black origin than the average white European.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We're on a Mission from God...You Others Will Burn in Hell

All religions have those select few who, let's say, lack a sense of moderation. For example:

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America’s atheists | Believe it or not |

No one represents the block of frustrated Americans who do not believe in God

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Day of the Black Sun The Last Airbender movie

I've been watching Avatar: The last Airbender off and on. It's not bad. It's a heavily anime influenced quasi martial arts animated series shown on Nickelodian. The creators have done an excellent job of manufacturing a colorful mythology and very good job at character development. The series is aimed at older kids and young adults, but there are enough lighter moments and action to interest younger kids as well. A few of the fan sites on the web have made the comparison between Aang (the main character) and Jesus. Now I suppose you can come up with a few parallels, but I think that's a little heavy to be reading into a cartoon. Personally I think the Moses story is a bit closer. 

I remember a few years back an attempt to use E.T. as a metaphor for the Christ story. There were several books available in christian book stores that tried to use the movie as a conversion aid. E.T. did came down from the heavens, came back from the dead (Resurrection), healed the sick and phoned home (read pray). He was also taken back into the heavens, it all sounds pretty Christlike to me. He even had a band of apostles.

Superman is another Christ/Moses like figure. Sent by his father from the heavens (planet Krypton) as an infant in a womb like space craft to a childless couple (Joseph and Mary and arguably a virgin birth of sorts). Superman becomes the saviour of earth and he has on a occasion died and come back to life. To make parallel even more complete the Superman character was created by two very nice Jewish boys (coincidence,I think not!).

Aang the Last Air Bender himself was frozen in an iceberg, thawed and brought back to life to save the world. So the argument is not without merit. So what's going on here? Do authors of fantasy, science fiction and comic books crave to be "saved"? Or is it just an archetype, a cultural, perhaps even a racial memory or lingering genetic programing to look for a saviour. Tied in somehow with our pattern seeking compulsion, looking for that undefinable big father in the sky to send help. 

So any way, I digress. the movie was a little disappointing. If you were looking for resolution, forget it. I found the second half hour to be a little frustrating. I am assuming that that was the setup for the next season. So I can't give it my highest rating, but if you're a fan it's worth a look.

Day of the Black Sun, now in repeats on Nick and Bit torrent. 

2 Antlers (out of four) 

Tell me it ain't so Orson Scott Card!

As I mentioned a posting or so ago I am revisiting an old favorite "comfort read".( Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein) I just got to the part where the main character just figured out what it is to be human.(He groks it) How he comes to this epiphany is something that is better experienced for yourself. I just couldn't do it justice; plus being out of context it would loose it's impact. Some bits and pieces of the book are a bit dated, but it still remains a classic and one of my favorites. 

While enjoying my trip down memory lane I have been reviewing some of my other old favorites. A few years back I read book called Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. If memory serves, it came out in the mid eighties. I enjoyed it immensely,a darn good read. That was the only book I have ever read by Card. There are at least 3 sequels, but I never felt motivated to pick them up. I'm sure, based on the first book's quality of writing, that they are fine pieces of speculative literature. The guy is good writer, no doubt. But after reviewing his bio on Wikipedia I was shocked to learn that award winning author Orson Scott Card is a Mormon! A Mormon! I am trying my best to wrap my brain around this fact. 

I would have assumed that the vast majority of science fiction were some sort of rationalist. Atheists or agnostic, perhaps something eastern, but a Mormon! Now personally I've got nothing against Mormons(except when they run for president or knock on my door).My oldest daughter has a friend that I believe is a Mormon (she seems like a nice girl)I've met a few over the years and they all seem pretty much okay. It's just not the religion I would expect to generate science fiction authors. So now I am curious, is Card the exception. Are there any other sci-fi authors that are Mormons,B.A.C.(born again christians), J.W.s or anything other than rationalist? Please don't bring up L.Ron, he doesn't count because he started a cult , he didn't join one. All of the old guard Sci-fi writers I am fairly confident were all rationalists (Asimov,Heinlein, Bradbury etc.).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. I'm just suffering from shock.It makes me wonder about the thing inside a writer that makes him write, his motivation and that sense of wonder. I just find It hard to believe that a belief system like Mormonism or fundamental Christianity could inspire a sci-fi writer. For me religion was like having a mill stone tied around my imagination. But somehow Card got past all that and wrote a really good piece of sci-fi. Is it time for a personal re- assessment? 

Sign me:

Confused in Sci-fi Fandomland (E.moose)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

White House spokesman hadn't heard of Cuban Missile Crisis

"I was panicked a bit because I really don't know about . . . the Cuban Missile Crisis," said Perino, who at 35 was born about a decade after the 1962 U.S.-Soviet nuclear showdown. "It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I'm pretty sure."

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Comfort reading

Robert Heinlein has to be one of my all time favorite authors. He was the first of the "hard'' Science fiction writers I read. I've read just about all of his 'juvenile"novels, you know the ones aimed at younger readers. His writing style for some people is a bit pedestrian. It's conversational for lack of a better term. Philosophically he always struck me (in his books anyway) as what we would now call a Libertarian. Most of the books I read of his from the late fifties up until the late sixties were pretty straight forward, populated by square jawed rugged individuals that persevered and overcame. Just the sort of stories a young confused and dreamy eyed young whipper snapper needed to feed his ravenous imagination. I spent many a trip to the College Hill branch library scanning the shelves for the likes of Farmer in the Sky,Rocket Ship Galileo, Red Planet, Star Beast and Between Worlds.

Then around 1966 I read a book of his called Stranger in a Strange Land . I am currently reading it for the third time. It's a comfort read so to speak. This book put a lot of crazy ideas in my head. It made me ask a lot of questions of myself. A lot seeds were planted, a lot of doubts sown. This book really started me down the the path of Agnosticism. All the doubts grew and eventually I had to admit that I could no longer believe. After a few years I could no longer maintain the self disillusionment. I could no longer deceive my self. It was the beginning of a process that in a way is still raging inside of me.

I don't think that any one would consider Heinlein's writing as great prose. To be sure there are at least several science fiction writers that are probably better(David Brin for one or William Gibson ). But the man could write a ripping good yarn. He was always entertaining, scientifically sound for the most part and at his best he made you think. He made you confront some really big questions. So any way, reading it again is like a visit from an old familiar friend or a bowl of cream of tomato soup on a cold day. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.

Recommended reading: Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers(avoid the movie like the plague and the abysmal straight to video sequels.) Citizen of the Galaxy and Glory Road, Orphans of the Sky, Methuselah's Children, Time Enough For love

Emoose out

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Golden Compass review

As I blogged a few days ago I had been looking forward to the big screen adaptation of Pullman's trilogy His Dark Materials. The first installment of which is called the Golden Compass.  So what did I think? Not bad. My only real criticisms are the same ones I unusually have when a big complex plot of a long involved story gets "streamlined" for the sake of making it into a manageable  screenplay. Some of the finer plot points were glossed over. Some of the characters weren't fully fleshed out but the overall spirit was communicated fairly well. 

Nicole Kidman was radiant as Mrs. Colter. I found her just as chilling as I imagined the character from my reading. However I found Daniel Craig's performance lackluster, it barely passed muster. I thought he seemed a bit wooden, he displayed none of the fire that I had imagined for Lord Asriel. Dakota Blue Richardson was as cute and precocious as I had envisioned Lyra. I also thought that Gyptians as a whole got short shrift, particularly Farder Coram. I loved the concept of the Gyptians from the book, I could imagine a book based on them alone. Or even a novel based on the forbidden romance between Coram and Serafina Pekkala. And I almost forgot, the witches were really glossed over. Speaking of witches, that Eva Green that played Serafina is totally hot.

I was also disappointed that there were no protesters. Of course the really juicy stuff, killing god and all that doesn't pop up until the middle of the second book. So all you bible thumpers, I look forward to seeing you then, when and if they make the sequels. The box office looked a little anemic so I don't know if they will be made. 

Lastly the special effects were awesome. The overall look of the neo-steam punk parallel world was almost worth the price of admission. And after seeing the movie I, like the bear king want my very own daemon. 

I can't give it the maximum rating but it is definitely worth seeing. Make sure you catch it at a first run house so as to get the full benefit of digital surround. 

My rating:

Three Antlers(out of four)

See you in a few when When AVP 2 comes out.


Militants Tell Christian Women to Cover Up or Face Death

Inside (Basra University) you are not, (Christian). Next time I want to see you wearing a hijab or I swear to God the three of you will be killed immediately',” Zeena recalled. Terrified, the girls ran home. They now wear the headscarf all the time.In the past five months more than 40 women have been murdered and their bodies dumped

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Romney and Huckabee's religious intolerance

Do we really want one of these in charge of us all?

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Romney Spokesman Won't Say If Atheists Have Place In America

A spokesman for the Mitt Romney campaign is thus far refusing to say whether Romney sees any positive role in America for atheists and other non-believers, after TPM inquired about the topic yesterday.

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Ron Paul Unplugged

John Stossel Interviews Republican on Personal Freedom, Drugs, Prostitution and Gay Marriage

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50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know

Certain parties don't want you to know certain facts. My girlfriend was an active feminist in the 1970s, yet she had never heard that the founding mothers of feminism opposed abortion. Small wonder, since their profile views are almost never mentioned in biographies or documentaries. Here are 50 things you're not supposed to know.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Hate Crime? You decide.

Kreager suffered two broken bones in her left eye socket, police said.“She had eye muscles that were damaged,” a police report states. Greene said the investigation into the incident was ongoing and she didn’t know whether the attack had anything to do with the victim’s race...

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Defense fund set up for neighbor who shot and killed two robbers

Mr. Horn is the Pasadena man who called 911 after seeing two men break into his neighbors home with a crowbar. Joe tried to stop them, and it ended in a deadly confrontation.

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More Americans believe in the devil than Darwin

According to a new Harris poll, more Americans believe in a literal hell and the devil than Darwin's theory of evolution,

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Speed Racer Trailer Online Now!!

You've probably already seen the pics, so now it's time to enjoy the first trailer for one of this summer's most anticipated films, Speed Racer.

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Ms. President? Mr. First Gentleman? Are we ready?

As I sit here hunched over my faithful Ibook, I am pondering the presidential race. Decision time is creeping up on us. As I consider the candidates I have to ask myself some tough questions. Like, am I against Hillary because she's a woman? Am I against Obama because he's black? Am I against Romney because he's a Mormon? Am I against Huckabee because he is a born again christian? Do I like Kucinich because he has a hot wife? Do I like Ron Paul because he sounds so seductively logical?

What is it about Hillary exactly that turns me off? I normally have nothing against authoritative women. As a matter of fact I kind of like aggressive women. But with Hillary there is something about her that screams "manipulative bitch"! When Bill and Hilly were first elected they won me over. I actually thought they were good for America, but as time wore on I was disillusioned. I think that the Clinton administration did more damage to the dignity of the presidency then any that have held that office since it's  inception. I just didn't buy the long suffering spouse routine from old Hilldog. Sorry she's not getting my precious vote. Not because she is a woman, but just this particular woman. She just comes off as shrill cynical power hungry shrew that could at a moments notice turn into an old fishwife or eat her own young. In all of the debates, in all of the policy statements she has made, she has not impressed me.

Next we have Obama, The Great Black Hope. I like Obama, I would like him even more if he weren't connected to Oprah, always a downer for me. My problem with Obama is that he seems almost too good to be true. He seems a little too well packaged, a little too slick. his Ideas seem pretty good at first glance, but after consideration they seem like only second best answers to any given problem.(Was that last statement a little too esoteric?) And as to his race, is Obama the right guy to be the Jackie Robinson of American presidential politics? A few years ago before Colin Powell became tainted by the Bush administration, I would have said he was the one to do it. Obama? Sorry, I'm holding on to my vote for now.

Now we come to Mitt Romney. As you know from my blog, I am not a fan of organized religion. I have the same lack of respect for the Mormon Church that I have for all Churches. Almost all of the candidates profess some sort of religious preference so that in itself is not a deal breaker for me. But it would be nice to have a nice atheist or agnostic to round out the field. Now I admit the Mormons do seem to be a "special brand of crazy", but they seem to be sincere and they are slightly less irritating than the J.W.'s. ( But I'm getting off topic, I'll do a post on LDS'ers some other time )My problem with old mitt is he seems to change his mind on issues as often as he changes his magic under wear. He seems willing to do mold his political  persona into what ever is required to get elected. Sorry my flipflopper alarm just went off. Plus he gives me the impression that he very much out of touch with the working man and woman. The video of his wife(I know, she has cancer and I shouldn't pick on her)doing her "equine" therapy at the family compound makes me think it's been awhile since she shopped at the A&P or had to balance a checkbook.  No sale.

I can sum up my feelings about the Huckabee campaign in one sentence: The man is a moron. 

Now we come to Kucinich. Yes he has a cute wife. But I'm afraid that is not enough. His stance on gun control, The Kyoto accords and his opposition to partially privatizing Social Security are all pretty much deal breakers. But I also must admit there are people out there that would make worse presidents. Perhaps as a lesser of two evils candidate?

Tomorrow: Ron Paul

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Give Up the Toad Now

This just in from the Associated Press: "Law enforcement authorities have discovered that people are willing to go to great lengths to get high.

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We are Evolving, but are we getting better?

Are Humans Evolving Faster? from

Researchers discovered genetic evidence that human evolution is speeding up - and has not halted or proceeded at a constant rate, as had been thought - indicating that humans on different continents are becoming increasingly different.


The Top 10 Most Valuable Comic Books

Hurry check the closet before mom or the wife throws them out along with thaqt old Playboy from 1988

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Sherri Shepherd Doesn't Get That Whole BC Thing

Why are people this stupid on tv?????/ Jesus came before the Ancient Greeks, HAHAHAHAHA

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Boy Attacked By Moose "Feigns Death," Thanks WoW

WOWInsider: A Norweigian news site is reporting that a young boy and his sister were attacked by a moose. The boy reportedly "taunted' the moose away from his sister, and then feigned death, causing the moose to lose aggro and leave. "Just like you learn in level 30 in World of Warcraft," the boy reportedly said. Heh.

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Oh, Sherri Baby

I have watched the View off and on since it came on the air a few years ago. I seldom agree with anything said on the show and have not watched  it regularly since Shipwreck Rosie was on. Of course one should not expect anything profound from a daytime talk show. Obnoxious extreme views I expect, but out right stupidity? The show's newest co-host has proved beyond any doubt that possession of extreme cleavage is not indicative of intelligence(the woman does have an awesome rack). I suppose realistically I shouldn't be shocked at Sherri Shepherd's total ignorance of ancient history. My own daily contact with the public tells me that people below the age of 40 are incredibly ignorant of history. When the subject comes up most people have no idea about things like the Viet Nam war, the Korean conflict or even World War 2. 

Lets face it, every day life really does not require a working knowledge of world history. You can get along just fine with out knowing who the Olmecs were or the impact of the Etruscans on ancient Rome.  You can even limp along without knowing that the world is round (technically an oblade spheroid, thank you 7th grade science). But some history is just too important to ignore. I frankly don't know who or what is to blame for the dumbing down America but it is obviously very real. I think that it is responsible for many of the societal problems we are experiencing now. What happened 20,200,or even 2000 years ago impacts greatly today.

What I find really shocking is the amazing ignorance of the current generation of African Americans in regards to their own history. The generation that I grew up with seem to have had a much better grasp of their historical context. Both black and white young people these days seem to have skipped basic math classes altogether. Have you ever seen kids these days make change at the local fast food when their computers are down? The only kids I've met lately that are good at basic math are drug dealers.  And now with Intelligent Design rearing it's ugly head in science class, not to mention the P.C. people and the historical revisionists, I frankly have my doubts about our future.

So the question remains, is Sherri Shepherd just really stupid or is she a victim of our decadent bankrupted educational system? Or is she a product of a culture that does not value knowledge  and intelligence particularly in reference to women? Before comedy and the View gig I understand she worked as a legal secretary, a profession that I assume would require one to have a reasonable amount of intelligence (I've been wrong before). But on the other hand Sherri does not exist solely to live up to my expectations. 

So anyway Ms. Shepherd, here's my advice to you: Now that you're making the big bucks on network TV head on down to nearest Barnes and Noble. They have a section called History. Snag a couple of books on the subject. I like the "Don't Know Much About History" series. They are very informative and are fun reads. Take a long week end, study up and then try to stop embarrassing your self. Shocking as it may seem everything they say in church is not literally true. You might keep that in mind. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Texas Police

I have always had a special place in my heart for policemen. You'll notice I did not say cops. My father was a police officer and he always told me that the word cop, cops or copper was disrespectful. As was the fuzz, John Law, the man, the pigs etc. My Dad was big on respect. My elders, the law, our neighbors, women, teachers and society in general. My father came from a different era of law enforcement. Before Miranda, Tazers, television and the general decay of morality. When he joined the police force in Cincinnati prohibition had only been repealed a couple of years before. He walked a beat in some of the worst neighborhoods in Cincinnati. That's right he "walked a beat". He knew the merchants, the people, the hoodlums, the hookers, the innocent and the guilty. 
This was way before the advent of computers. Dad had a set of index cards with black and white pictures (Dad was on the force for almost 20 years before they had color photographs) with descriptions and  lists of what they had been arrested for. He kept copious notes all in his neat tidy handwriting.  When he filled out arrest reports he sat at a huge ancient Underwood manual typewriter. He had learned to type on a teletype machine, so he had the habit of hitting the keys harder than he had to, he practically drove keys all the through the paper and the carbons (this was before xerox). He had thick powerful hands, but he could still  type faster than a lot secretaries I've met. 
A few times I went to work  with Dad . By that time Dad had been promoted to detective. Detective headquarters was in the City Hall building in downtown Cincinnati. If you have never seen it, it looks like a middle ages fortress, complete with 6 foot thick red sandstone walls and 2 inch thick 20 foot high steel doors. Headquarters  was in a part of the building that dated back to the Civil war. Barney Miller's crew would have been comfortable there. The floor was covered with brown speckled linoleum and the walls were painted with a non-descript institutional beige and green paint. The air hung heavy with the smell of disinfectant(they scrubbed out the holding cells with Lysol everyday). No matter how well the janitors cleaned, it always looked worn and dingy. 

When Dad was on the job he was a different person, he was calm, confident and in control. You got the sense that he would treat you fairly, but that he wouldn't take any crap off of you either. He exuded that unmistakable aura that said he was in control. He had that air of  quiet authority that told you that it was best for all parties involved to cooperate and be on their best behavior. He was on the job for 29 1/2 years and was only injured once. I frankly don't know if he ever had to fire his service revolver in anger, if he did he never talked about it. He kept the really nasty stuff at work and never brought it home. Home was home and work was work, and did his best to make us feel safe and far away from all that nastiness. 

So why am I bringing my dear old, much missed parental unit? Recently there has has been stories going around on a few of the blogs I regularly read about an Austin Texas rookie police officer that was fired for being too "moral". On at least two occasions Officer Ramon Perez used only the minimal force required to subdue or apprehend. Officer Perez started his law enforcement career late in life(41). I think he probably used a little of  his life experience and his instincts as a father to accomplish what other less patient, younger(read more aggressive) officers could only accomplish with some sort of violence. I think if I had my "Wayback Machine" up and running that Officer Perez and my Dad would have quite a bit in common. I think what we need is a few more "moral" police officers.  We need Police officers that know how to diffuse a situation instead of reaching for that shiny new Tazer on their belt. Anyway I think that's what Dad would say.

Must see movie

As much as I love the big special effects sci-fi  blockbusters, it's good to be reminded why I love science fiction so much: it's the ideas. Those thought provoking wonderful ideas. Things that make you ask questions or readjust your beliefs. Ideas that help nurture your sense of wonder. Lets face it, there are Twilight Zone episodes from forty years ago that I still remember vividly. They probably spent more money on craft services on the last Star Wars movie than they spent on special effects for the entire run of Twilight Zone (and frankly I'd like to forget the last three Star War movies).  A lot of Sci-fi movies would be better off dropping one big special effect and using the money to get a better script.

I just finished watching about the best Sci-fi movie that I have seen for a long time. And guess what, there is not a single special effect! This thing was totally engrossing. Ninety percent of the movie takes place in a living room. It's all talk, no lasers, no mutants and no aliens. Just great dialogue, great characters and and believable acting. The only movie that I can really compare it to is My Dinner with Andre (another very unusual and yet entertaining movie). The movie is called The Man from Earth.

The entire movie takes place at the farewell party for a departing history professor thrown by a few of his coworkers. After awhile his friends want to know why he is leaving. The answer he gives is not what they expect. He confides in them that he is 14,000 years old and he must change his identity to hide the fact he does not age every ten years. He tells them that he started life as a cromagnum  cave dweller and through some process that even he can not explain, he has lived through to the present. So is he crazy? You start to wonder because he seems to have an answer for everything his learned colleagues throw at him. I won't tell you more, just get the movie at your earliest opportunity.  

Your Emoose rating: 4 Antlers (Highly Recomended!)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Golden Compass

Four days hence(assuming all goes according to plan) I will be sitting four rows back, about in the center of said row at the first available showing of The Golden Compass. I'll be ensconced in  said seat with a large unbuttered popcorn and a medium Diet Coke precariously balanced on my knees. If I am feeling unusually peckish I might treat myself to a bag of Sour Patch Kids. I have been looking forward to this movie for months now. I thoroughly enjoyed the books and was thrilled to hear about the adaptation. Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter is a master stroke of casting. Cannot wait. 

But now I hear there is a bit of controversy about the film. Gee I hope they protest it, I've been exercising  my middle finger salute for days now. The Christian right doesn't like it because they feel it's anti-god, the atheists  feel that it's not anti-god enough. Some days you just can't when. So I guess it will be up to a certain oversized agnostic to clear things up and introduce a voice of reason into the debate.  

So if you're heading to the movie this coming Friday please make your protest a silent one while the movie's playing. I'll be doing a review on Saturday, see you then.

Where tacky goes to die

I've been to Disney world, the allegedly the happiest place on earth and now I have been to the tackiest place on earth. If you live in the Dayton Ohio area or are passing through there is a place you must visit. It goes by the name Dayton Novelty Wholesale. My senses are still reeling. My retinas are still hemorrhaging from the brutal assault of garish colors that comprised  a part of the spectrum hereto for unknown to science. There were dream catchers, fuzzy blankets, paintings that moved and made strange noises. They various plastic cast animals with glowing and flashing fiber optics protruding from various and sundry orifices. There were dolls so hideous they would scare two years of growth out of a normal child. 

There was Nascar ephemera strewn from one end of the store to the other. My god it was a white trash paradise!(please note: I come from a long line of hill billies, stump stompers, ridge runners and hill rods so I speak with authority).   However the most fun thing about my visit was watching the discomfort that place inflicted on my youngest daughter. I was having a grand old time fondling fake fur and various resin cast reptiles and framed posters of Al Pacino as Scarface. She was uncomfortable from the start. Moments after we entered she was extremely uncomfortable. Soon she was demanding we go. I have a feeling that either you'll be like me and develop a morbid fascination for the place or like my daughter and want to run screaming like you were running from a burning building. 

The have a web site(, but to it justice you have to go there. The address is 2836 Wilmington Pike. In fact I think they should charge admission. 

Sign me

My tacky quota is filled for the year

Trouble in Texas with a capitol T

I love Texas. I have been there a three or four times and have always had a good time. I paticularly like Austin. A great town with awesome resturaunts and fantastic nightlife. If  you're a music fan, it's like you died and went to heaven. In fact I would like to move there someday. But it seems that my favorite state has one serious draw back. Texas evidently will become the new battle ground for Intelligent Design vs. evolution. The state is just chock full of conservative Christians that are down with the whole I.D. agenda.

Recently the lady in charge of science education for the state was fired for forwarding an e-mail with information about a lecture to be given by  an anti-I.D. author. Not an endorsement one way or another, just a f.y.i. The powers that be thought that she wasn't showing a neutral stance on the issue. It sounds like the beginnings of a witch hunt to me. 

Personally I could care less what mythological preferences you practise. Worship the cosmic muffin or hairy thunderer, it makes no difference to me. Whatever gets you through the night. Just don't force any one against their will, no human sacrifices and no orgies in my front yard(it upsets the live stock) and most importantly leave me the hell alone. But when it comes to science education in publicly funded schools, just hold on a minute. The Constitution is pretty darn clear on this subject. You cannot teach a religious belief. Teaching that a supernatural agency is responsible for creation is religion. And again not to put too fine a point on it, you can personally believe anything you want, there are plenty of creation myths to choose from. Have at it amigo. Just don't teach your brand of crazy in science class. 

The biggest problem see with the I.D. agenda is that all debate, all theorizing is prematurely cut off. God did it, that's the way it is, end of discussion. I believe that any thing that interferes with the ultimate quest for knowledge is evil, just plain evil. Creationism puts blinders on the natural creativity and curiosity of the human mind. As I have stated several times in this blog, I am an agnostic. You might might argue that I really don't have a dog in this hunt, au contraire mine fruend! An agnostic (in my opinion) is ever seeking knowledge and his view is always  changing  based on the available data. Stifle the human mind to the detriment of us all.

Perhaps I can illustrate my point with an example (a parable so to speak, it worked for Jesus).
Let's say you run a garage and were interviewing for a new mechanic. A candidate fills out an application and you proceed to ask him a few questions to get an idea of his qualifications. You tell him to describe to you how the modern internal combustion engine works. He thinks for a minute and he replies:"You put gas that little hole on the side, you turn the key and press on the gas pedal, then magic happens". So my question is, would you hire that man to repair automobiles? "Put gas in, then magic happens" would not inspire me with confidence. But thats the kind of thinking you're bargaining for if we let the I.D. rail road us with their agenda.

Any how that's how I see it, how about you?

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eMoose (running scared) Head Mutant



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