Readers of my blog and people that know me are familiar with my genuine admiration for members of law enforcement. Having had a ringside seat for 29 years of seeing how tough that life can be; I've nothing but respect for the men and women that work so hard and often at great personal risk to keep order in our society. In previous posts I have talked about how policing was done back in my Dad's day contrasted to the "little too quick with the Tazer" police of today. But now we have a another police tactic that just seems a little too far over the edge. So you know I'm not making this up I've got link to the original story I read a couple of days ago.If you got a minute, click it, read the story and watch the video. Go on I'll wait. I've got all night. I'll be here when you get back.
So did you read it? This tactic is nothing new. I've heard of it being used before, usually to catch a known criminal, like a fence or drug dealer. The most infamous use of a "sting operations" lately is that god awful reality show called "To catch a predator". In that show they have an adult impersonate a under aged person that wants to have a sexual encounter with an adult. That whole process of the sting leaves me uneasy. Generally the people that get caught are up until that point, law abiding citizens. Doesn't it seem that the authorities are manufacturing crime? Doesn't Columbus, Ohio have enough regular crime without making more? Are we saying that crime is so rare in Columbus that to keep the police busy they have create a crime and criminalize a citizen?
After watching the video a couple of times I've got what have to be some obvious questions. Firstly, is that woman a police officer? Next, not counting the woman I saw three undercover officers and I assume an officer running the camera. Normally you'd have to be a senior officer to work a sting like that. So I'm guessing these guys are bringing down maybe 60 grand a year (probably more,but they earn it). Add on liability, overtime and wear and tear on the equipment, not to mention if they had to pay a model or actress to play the part of half naked sun bather 2 grand would be a (very) conservative estimate for the cost of this operation. So what did they achieve for this princely expenditure? They had a woman expose her breasts, the use of a lot of police department assets that might be better used elsewhere and they ruined the life of a (up until then anyway) law abiding man.
Just for funsies, lets assume our Lady Godivaesque fem fatale was actually an immodest sun worshipper. And let's say that our upstanding citizen was a perv. He spots our girls loose jubbulies, and becomes aroused. Instead of 4 of Columbus' finest we have a uniformed officer patrolling the park. The perv spots said officer and decides to call it a day and keeps Mr. happy in his pants. By my estimate a junior uniformed policeman should only only cost the city about 1/10 of what the cost of the sting operation and plus the fact that we wouldn't have lost a taxpayer and an upstanding citizen makes it even a better bargain.
The other thing that bothers me about the video is that it seems that the decoy actually touches our "perp" at least twice. She also leans in toward him in a manner to my untrained eye that would indicate an invitation for more intimacy. At one point she rolls onto her back while spreading her legs. Once again I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and it's been awhile since I've been on the market(as Mrs. Emoose will attest). But when a half naked woman rolls on her back, spreads her legs and at one point places her ankle on our buddies shoulder, then asks to see his Mr. Happy? I would get the impression that she wants to move beyond the conversational stage. Can you say E-n-t-r-a-p-m-e-n-t? Sure I knew you could!
So my last obvious question is: is Columbus, Ohio safer tonight because of this type of policing?
Sign me:
Skeptical in Ohio
Emoose out
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