Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oh, Sherri Baby

I have watched the View off and on since it came on the air a few years ago. I seldom agree with anything said on the show and have not watched  it regularly since Shipwreck Rosie was on. Of course one should not expect anything profound from a daytime talk show. Obnoxious extreme views I expect, but out right stupidity? The show's newest co-host has proved beyond any doubt that possession of extreme cleavage is not indicative of intelligence(the woman does have an awesome rack). I suppose realistically I shouldn't be shocked at Sherri Shepherd's total ignorance of ancient history. My own daily contact with the public tells me that people below the age of 40 are incredibly ignorant of history. When the subject comes up most people have no idea about things like the Viet Nam war, the Korean conflict or even World War 2. 

Lets face it, every day life really does not require a working knowledge of world history. You can get along just fine with out knowing who the Olmecs were or the impact of the Etruscans on ancient Rome.  You can even limp along without knowing that the world is round (technically an oblade spheroid, thank you 7th grade science). But some history is just too important to ignore. I frankly don't know who or what is to blame for the dumbing down America but it is obviously very real. I think that it is responsible for many of the societal problems we are experiencing now. What happened 20,200,or even 2000 years ago impacts greatly today.

What I find really shocking is the amazing ignorance of the current generation of African Americans in regards to their own history. The generation that I grew up with seem to have had a much better grasp of their historical context. Both black and white young people these days seem to have skipped basic math classes altogether. Have you ever seen kids these days make change at the local fast food when their computers are down? The only kids I've met lately that are good at basic math are drug dealers.  And now with Intelligent Design rearing it's ugly head in science class, not to mention the P.C. people and the historical revisionists, I frankly have my doubts about our future.

So the question remains, is Sherri Shepherd just really stupid or is she a victim of our decadent bankrupted educational system? Or is she a product of a culture that does not value knowledge  and intelligence particularly in reference to women? Before comedy and the View gig I understand she worked as a legal secretary, a profession that I assume would require one to have a reasonable amount of intelligence (I've been wrong before). But on the other hand Sherri does not exist solely to live up to my expectations. 

So anyway Ms. Shepherd, here's my advice to you: Now that you're making the big bucks on network TV head on down to nearest Barnes and Noble. They have a section called History. Snag a couple of books on the subject. I like the "Don't Know Much About History" series. They are very informative and are fun reads. Take a long week end, study up and then try to stop embarrassing your self. Shocking as it may seem everything they say in church is not literally true. You might keep that in mind. 

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