Thursday, December 20, 2007

Why E.T. won't talk to us.

In a previous post you'll find a link to a report from Canadian scientists that postulates that we are just to dull and boring for alien civilizations to contact. Most radio messages that are intentionally beamed into outer space consist of mathematical formulae, information about where we are, what we are like, our biology etc. I have to agree with them for the most part, it does sound a bit boring. Of course the real reason that we probably haven't heard an answer is really boring. Even though there are more than likely an astronomical(pardon the pun) number of inhabited planets out there, the friggin'  universe is just too friggin' big. Even at the speed of light it could take generations to get an answer back. 

We are also assuming that E.T. would give a damn. What if our little green friends from Alpha Centauri have some sort of religious taboo concerning contacting or even admitting the existence of alien life forms. Sort of like fundamentalist Christians ignoring scientific evidence for evolution. We also assume that E.T.s are older wiser beings, but there is no reason to think that. They maybe bigger jack asses than we are. And if they are older and wiser what would they have to gain from contacting us. Or what if there is some sort of interstellar etiquette we are not observing, perhaps we need to be properly introduced before we start talking to one another. 

For me the most compelling reason that they won't talk to us is that we are just too scary. We are rude crude and vulgar. We are well on our way to destroying our planet. Our greatest talents are in coming up with better ways to kill ourselves and new reasons hate each other . We are loud, obnoxious and violent. In the intergalactic neighborhood  we are that one really scary family that brings down property values, never mows the lawn  and throws trash in the yard. You know the ones I'm talking about. The one with the out of control kids, the alcoholic father and the slutty gossipy wife. Yep that's us. If I were them I would avoid us like you would avoid a Jehovah's Witness Amway distributor. 

Emoose out

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