Sunday, December 9, 2007

Golden Compass review

As I blogged a few days ago I had been looking forward to the big screen adaptation of Pullman's trilogy His Dark Materials. The first installment of which is called the Golden Compass.  So what did I think? Not bad. My only real criticisms are the same ones I unusually have when a big complex plot of a long involved story gets "streamlined" for the sake of making it into a manageable  screenplay. Some of the finer plot points were glossed over. Some of the characters weren't fully fleshed out but the overall spirit was communicated fairly well. 

Nicole Kidman was radiant as Mrs. Colter. I found her just as chilling as I imagined the character from my reading. However I found Daniel Craig's performance lackluster, it barely passed muster. I thought he seemed a bit wooden, he displayed none of the fire that I had imagined for Lord Asriel. Dakota Blue Richardson was as cute and precocious as I had envisioned Lyra. I also thought that Gyptians as a whole got short shrift, particularly Farder Coram. I loved the concept of the Gyptians from the book, I could imagine a book based on them alone. Or even a novel based on the forbidden romance between Coram and Serafina Pekkala. And I almost forgot, the witches were really glossed over. Speaking of witches, that Eva Green that played Serafina is totally hot.

I was also disappointed that there were no protesters. Of course the really juicy stuff, killing god and all that doesn't pop up until the middle of the second book. So all you bible thumpers, I look forward to seeing you then, when and if they make the sequels. The box office looked a little anemic so I don't know if they will be made. 

Lastly the special effects were awesome. The overall look of the neo-steam punk parallel world was almost worth the price of admission. And after seeing the movie I, like the bear king want my very own daemon. 

I can't give it the maximum rating but it is definitely worth seeing. Make sure you catch it at a first run house so as to get the full benefit of digital surround. 

My rating:

Three Antlers(out of four)

See you in a few when When AVP 2 comes out.


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