What is it about Hillary exactly that turns me off? I normally have nothing against authoritative women. As a matter of fact I kind of like aggressive women. But with Hillary there is something about her that screams "manipulative bitch"! When Bill and Hilly were first elected they won me over. I actually thought they were good for America, but as time wore on I was disillusioned. I think that the Clinton administration did more damage to the dignity of the presidency then any that have held that office since it's inception. I just didn't buy the long suffering spouse routine from old Hilldog. Sorry she's not getting my precious vote. Not because she is a woman, but just this particular woman. She just comes off as shrill cynical power hungry shrew that could at a moments notice turn into an old fishwife or eat her own young. In all of the debates, in all of the policy statements she has made, she has not impressed me.
Next we have Obama, The Great Black Hope. I like Obama, I would like him even more if he weren't connected to Oprah, always a downer for me. My problem with Obama is that he seems almost too good to be true. He seems a little too well packaged, a little too slick. his Ideas seem pretty good at first glance, but after consideration they seem like only second best answers to any given problem.(Was that last statement a little too esoteric?) And as to his race, is Obama the right guy to be the Jackie Robinson of American presidential politics? A few years ago before Colin Powell became tainted by the Bush administration, I would have said he was the one to do it. Obama? Sorry, I'm holding on to my vote for now.
Now we come to Mitt Romney. As you know from my blog, I am not a fan of organized religion. I have the same lack of respect for the Mormon Church that I have for all Churches. Almost all of the candidates profess some sort of religious preference so that in itself is not a deal breaker for me. But it would be nice to have a nice atheist or agnostic to round out the field. Now I admit the Mormons do seem to be a "special brand of crazy", but they seem to be sincere and they are slightly less irritating than the J.W.'s. ( But I'm getting off topic, I'll do a post on LDS'ers some other time )My problem with old mitt is he seems to change his mind on issues as often as he changes his magic under wear. He seems willing to do mold his political persona into what ever is required to get elected. Sorry my flipflopper alarm just went off. Plus he gives me the impression that he very much out of touch with the working man and woman. The video of his wife(I know, she has cancer and I shouldn't pick on her)doing her "equine" therapy at the family compound makes me think it's been awhile since she shopped at the A&P or had to balance a checkbook. No sale.
I can sum up my feelings about the Huckabee campaign in one sentence: The man is a moron.
Now we come to Kucinich. Yes he has a cute wife. But I'm afraid that is not enough. His stance on gun control, The Kyoto accords and his opposition to partially privatizing Social Security are all pretty much deal breakers. But I also must admit there are people out there that would make worse presidents. Perhaps as a lesser of two evils candidate?
Tomorrow: Ron Paul
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