If you know me or have read my blog you know that I am a big sci-fi freak. I am an avid reader and viewer. I have been into sci-fi since the 5th grade. The first book(other than Watchtower literature) I read was Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. From there I went on to the Heinlein juveniles , and the rest as they say is history. Even the name of my blog is the title of a low budget sci-fi/ horror movie that I wanted to make when I grew up.(I guess that means I have a while) So having said that you'd think I'd as happy as Michael Jackson(also an ex-J.W. by the way) at a daycare center to have the Sci-Fi channel on basic cable. Au contraire mon amie!
Now I admit to loving Battle Star Galactica(my current fave). And what would Friday night be without Stargate Atlantis. I do applaud the people at Sci-Fi channel for showing Doctor Who( a year late but they deserve props) and Torchwood. Even Harry Dresden isn't totally hateful. But you have to admit that 80% of their schedule is crap, unmitigated and undiluted crap. Crap with a capital C,Crap. You know what I'm talking about Sci-Fi channel, don't try slinking out of the room when I'm talking to you. Junk, drek, waste, organic pollution what ever you want to call it.
With the cost of GGI lowering the cost of really good special effects, all you need is a few decent actors and some good scripts. There is no excuse for "Lightspeed"(Stan Lee stick to comic books please) and "Show Down at Area 51". I was embarrassed for you. What is your problem? You have a couple of hundred years of science fiction stories to choose from(yes sci-fi has been around that long). Not all of them can be tied up. C'mon! Put some effort into it.
Let me make a few suggestions: How about a series (or a mini series) bases on Spider Robinson's Calahan's Cross Time Saloon? Its got everything, It's funny, thought provoking, heart warming and best of all for you it could be made on a shoe string. Most of the stories take place in a bar. How about Frederik Pohl's Gateway series. Great story, minimum special effects budget. I could go on, but you get the point.
If you need anymore ideas Sci-Fi Channel, drop me a line, no seriously, Drop me an Email. Really I'm serious.
Sign me:
Anxiously awaiting your Email in Dayton (but not holding my breath)
Emoose out
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