Thursday, January 17, 2008

Was I safe as a kid?

I recently posted  a link to a Mattel TV ad from the late fifties or early sixties. This ad was for something called a"Fanner Fifty". Only one kid on my block could afford one of these things. But let me point out that not only could you not manufacture and sell that toy today, you could  not even show that commercial. Firstly it's a toy gun, no longer a politically correct toy. It shoots a projectile, can't have little Johnny putting out an eye. Thirdly it shoots a cap,We can't damage anybodies hearing (can you even buy caps anymore?). Fourthly that commercial is sexist(see "Firstly"). 

Let me also point out that growing up I was far from being the most adventurous kid around, but I:
  1. played tackle foot ball with out helmet or pads
  2. rode a bicycle on the street without lights or helmet
  3. played baseball without a batting helmet
  4. climbed trees
  5. shot at other kids and was shot at with BB guns and air rifles
  6. swam,waded and splashed around in creeks, rivers and lakes not designated as safe
  7. made bombs
  8. played with fire
  9. played with variety of caustic chemicals
  10. played with electricity
  11. got numerous cuts, scrapes, splinters and bruises and never received first aid or went to an emergency room
  12. my parents never heard of a car seat
  13.  had toys with millions of bits and pieces small enough to choke me
  14. had a bow and arrows
  15. had a sling shot
  16. had a pocket knife at seven
  17. had a hunting knife at eight
  18.  had two obnoxious sisters that tried to kill me on several occasions(or at least humiliate me)
I don't really have a point here, except maybe we forget what its like to be kid. That you really can't keep your kid safe all the time, no matter how hard you try. Maybe we are not doing our kids a favor by making their world too safe. They might be better off getting a few bumps on their own and learning from the experience than they might be from being wrapped in gauze for the first 18 years of their life.

Sign me

Sitting in Dayton fondly remembering my genuine  Col. McCauley , "Men in to Space " Space helmet complete with voice changing space communicator microphone.(see picture above)

Emoose out

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