Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pet Peeve 9,821

This bugs the crap out of me. Gas stations in the greater Dayton area can vary as much as $.10 a gallon(another pet peeve by the way). As a result people flock to the lowest price and people overwhelm said gas station. As many as 5 or 6 cars per gas pump get backed up all the way on to the street. So all these people probably have an extra 10 minute wait to fill up. That necessitates that they either idle as they wait(wasting gas and causing pollution not to mention wear and tear on the car) or they have to start and stop as they advance on the pump(wasting less gas but still causing pollution)

Now let's analyze this situation: On the surface $.10 a gallon less sound like a good deal, right? Let's use me as an example. The Mighty Moosemobile has a 13 gallon tank. When the fuel light comes on there is approximately 3 gallons left, that means that it will take 10 gallons to top off(thank you 6th grade math). Let's say my time is worth $.20 a minute. Factor in wear and tear, the additional hassle of dealing with a cue at the pump and I say that I'm not saving a $1.00, I'm actually loosing about $2.00! So my advice is, drive on down the next gas station even though it's $.10 higher. (plus you're not inconveniencing me as I'm trying get by your dumb ass as your blocking the street)

Sign me:

Aggravated in Dayton

Emoose out

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