Monday, December 31, 2007

Who will win The 2007 Mooseys?

I would like to announce the the winners of the first annual Moosey Award. An award that the Mutant Teenage Vampire  blog would like to give to the website or blog  that most represents the worst, most wrong headed and obnoxious pieces of crap on the Internet. These websites are so bizarre that if told you about them without proof you would call me a liar, nay you would call me prevaricator of leviathinian proportions. But I swear to you these are not jokes. The people behind them as misguided as they are, at least appear to be sincere. 

In third place we have a website called Answers in Genesis( is a pro Intelligent Design organization. they are connected to the Creation Museum located just south of my old home town of Cincinnati. There you will find a collection of displays such as: Jesus riding on a dinosaur and children playing with pet dinosaurs. (I'm not joking). It costs 20 bucks to get in (no discounts for agnostics) . Supposedly their exhibits are world class. One of these days I'm going to visit and give you a complete first hand review. This site is full of misinformation and Intelligent Design cheer leading, but they couldn't quite make the grade to the top of Moosey heap to be immortalized as the numero uno. Sorry guys, keep on being as ignorant as you are and someday you reach the heights(read lows).

I had great deal of trouble deciding the between the next two for the top spot. Both of these sites were just so awesome in their hatefulness. But the votes are in and tabulated. Doctor Bob the envelopes please. The first runner up,(the vote was close) is The Wedding Of God
( . From this blog we learn that skin cancer is a punishment from god visited on white people. That the world will end for Caucasians in 2012 and that god in his mercy will allow white people to escape to another planet before we are all burned up by ultraviolet rays. We also find out that U.V. also adversely affects the brains of white people. I frankly don't know if the author of this blog that black people can get skin cancer too or how about African Americans that suffer from albinism? Maybe I'll send an Email ask him. So any way Wedding of God good effort. I was rooting for you.

And now(cue trumpets and orchestra) the winner of the coveted Moosey is: the website for the Westboro Baptist Church( It also should be mentioned the the first time I went to their website it was called God hates Fags. If you go to that address now all you get is a 404 error. For sheer hatefulness, meanness and nastiness you can't go wrong with this site. How do these people sleep at night spewing all that vitriol. You'll notice that I have a link and slide show from the Jesus Camp movie on my blog (highly recommended by the way) and you will find that godly,upstanding  christian group featured there in.

Well congratulations to all of our finalists, let me remind all of our reward recipients that year's ceremony will not be held at Chernobyl(scheduling conflicts). It will be held instead at the North Pacific Gyre. I hear it's lovely this time of year. 

(Disclaimer: this is meant as satire, there is no award or ceremony, it is only meant to make you think. If it offended you , you probably needed to be offended. Too many people don't speak their minds, I respect the people behind these websites for having the courage to speak their minds, please respect me for doing the same.)

Until next year:

Emoose out

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